Functional Test
Moodle 2.8
Test Pre-requisites:
As teacher, create a new quiz with How questions behave set to Deferred feedback, and Navigation method to Sequential.
Test Steps:
1. Add some questions to the quiz spread over multiple pages.
2. Login as a student and start an attempt at the quiz.
3. Answer some questions on the first page, then click Next. Ensure that the navigation button update to show which were answered.
4. Verify that none of the question numbers in the navigation are links.
5. Try to cheat by editing the URL to change &page=1 to &page=0. Verify that you are actually redirected back to &page=1.
6. Click the link in the breadcrumbs to go back to the course page.
7. Navigate back to the quiz. Click the continue attempt button, and make sure you are taken back to the page you were on.
8. Click Finish attempt .... Ensure you are taking to the summary page.
9. Click the Return to attempt button, and verify that you are taken back to the page you were on.
10.Finish attempt... again, and Submit all and finish.
11. You should see a review of your quiz. Make sure you can navigate around freely i.e. you are not restricted in what order you can view the quiz in now you have submitted it.