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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-7170 Moodle 2.8 QA
  3. MDLQA-7399

CLONE - Moodle can display the file type and size for PDF file resources.


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Moodle 2.8
    • Moodle 2.8
    • Course
    • None

      Test Pre-requisites:
      Any course. A PDF file that is less than the maximum allowed upload.

      Test Steps:
      1. Add a new File resource. Type a name and upload a PDF file. Type some basic text for the intro. Leave other options at default; save and display. On the resulting page, the PDF displays (embedded) just as it always did. The intro box should show the text you typed as usual.
      2. Return to the course page. The link to the PDF will also be unchanged.
      3. Edit the File item. Turn on the 'Show size' and 'Show type' options; save and display. Below your text in the intro box there should be a paragraph of small grey text such as '114.2KB PDF document'.
      4. Visit the course page. Next to the link to the PDF, the same information '114.2KB PDF document' will be displayed.
      5. Edit the File item. Turn off 'Show type' so that it only shows the size. Save it; look at the PDF page and the course page again. In both places, the text will now read only '114.2KB'."
      6. Edit it again; turn 'Show type' on, and 'Show size' off. Check both pages. In both pages, the text will now read only 'PDF document'.

            graham.stone Graham Stone
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