Functional Test
Moodle 2.8
Test Pre-requisites:
- assignments created should be of the new assignment module type
- maximum grading values should be a numeric value greater than 0
- testing should be performed as a teacher user
Test Steps:
- Add a new assignment activity - online text submission.
- Set the grading method for the assignment to 'Marking Guide'
- Save and Display the assignment activity.
- Select 'Define new grading form from scratch'
- Provide a name for the marking guide
- Try to Save as draft - Moodle should highlight the criterion in red and indicate they are required
- Fill in the criterion as required
- Add a second criterion, and fill it out as required
- Change the order of the criterion and Save as draft
- Click the Advanced Grading Link under Settings > Assignment administration, then click 'Edit the current form definition'
- Check that the criterion saved in the right order
- Add two Frequently used comments, and change their order then Save as draft
- Return to editing the marking guide
- Check that the Frequently used comments saved in the right order
- Toggle the Marking guide options and Save as draft
- Return to editing the marking guide
- Check that the Marking guide options saved correctly