Functional Test
Moodle 2.8
Test pre-requisites:
- One course in Moodle.
- Admin access to it.
Test steps:
- Login as admin and access to the course.
- Turn edit on.
- Create one "Book" resource (settings don't matter).
- Add 2 chapters to it (titles and contents don't matter).
- Edit 1st chapter and modify contents (contents don't matter)
- Turn edit off.
- Navigate back and forth between the chapters.
- In the "Administration" block, click "Print book". Ignore the popup results.
- In the "Administration" block, click "Generate IMS CP". Ignore the downloaded file.
- In the "Administration" block, click "Logs".
- Test: These log actions must be shown, all them showing the title of the book in the information column:
- Course module created (1 entry): linking to the book (1st chapter).
- Chapter created (2 entries): linking to both the 1st chapter and the 2nd chapter.
- Chapter viewed (multiple entries): linking to both the 1st and the 2nd chapters.
- Chapter updated (1 entry): linking to the 1st chapter
- Book printed (1 entry): causing the print version to be displayed again.
- Book exported (1 entry): causing the imscp package to be downloaded again.
- Go to the course page and replace the end of the url: "course/view.php?id=XX by "mod/book/index.php?id=XX" (XX being the current numerical id of the test course).
- Test: It will show a list with all the book resources in the course.
- Go to the "Administration block", Course administration, "Reports", "Logs" and click the "Get these logs" button.
- Test there is one "Course module instance list viewed" entry, linking to the url introduced manually 3 steps above ("mod/book/index.php?id=XX").