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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-7170 Moodle 2.8 QA
  3. MDLQA-7575

CLONE - An administrator can bulk create and delete courses via csv


      This test requires the Moodle site to have at least two categories (categoryid=1 and categoryid=2)and a csv file with fields: shortname,fullname,summary,category and include at least two courses in both categories. Use the category id number in the category field. If desired, there is a sample csv file attached here which may be used for testing purposes.

      1. Log in as admin and navigate to Administration>Site administration>Courses>Upload courses.
      2. Upload your csv file into the General box, leaving all other settings as default. Click to preview.
      3. In Default course values, change the format to Social format and upload.
      4. Verify the message says the correct number of courses were created and click Continue.
      5. Navigate to Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories. Click on the name of categoryid=1 and verify the courses have been added to the correct category.
      6. Click on one course and verify its description displays and it has been set to Social format.
      7. Repeat with categoryid=2 and a different course.
      8. Edit the csv file to include the field: delete and enter 1 next to one course in categoryid=1 and one course in categoryid=2. Repeat step 3,changing import options to 'Only update exisiting courses' 'Update with csv data only' and 'Allow deletes = Yes'
      9. Click Preview and then click Upload courses, verifying the message says the two chosen courses have been deleted.
      10. Repeat steps 5 and 7, verifying the chosen course in each category has actually been deleted.

            jacks92 Jayesh Anandani
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