- Login as an manager (Site wide)
- Go to Site administration > Competencies > Competency frameworks and create 1 framework (F1) if you don't have any competency framework.
- Pick the scale 'Default competency scale' with default 'Competent', and proficient 'Competent'.
- Add one competency named "A".**
- Log in as a teacher and go to a course.
- Go to the course competencies page and add the "A" competency to this course.
- Go to the course badges page.
- Click 'Add a new badge' via the More menu (or the Administration block, if using theme).
- Complete the form, then click the button 'Create badge'.
- Add a 'Manual issue by role' criterion and select Teacher as the role.
- Add a description
- Click the Endorsement tab, complete the form, then save changes.
- Click the Alignments tab, then the button 'Add external skill or standard'.
- Complete the form, then save changes.
- Add another external skill or standard and verify that both are listed.
- Click the Overview tab and verify that all details listed are correct including the endorsement and alignments.
- Verify that the alignments link correctly.
- Return to the Manage badges page and click the icon in the Actions column to make a copy of the badge, then save changes.
- Click the Endorsement tab, complete the form, then save changes.
- Click the Alignments tab, then the button 'Add external skill or standard'.
- Complete the form, then save changes.
- Click the 'Related badges' tab, then the button 'Add a related badge'.
- Select the first badge listed and save changes.
- Click the "Criteria" tab
- Add a "Competencies" criteria, select the "A" competency and save changes
- Change the "This badge is awarded when..." select box to say "Any" of the selected criteria are complete.
- Click the Overview tab and and verify that all details listed are correct including related badges and competency criteria.
- Verify that the related badge links to the first badge.
- Return to the Manage badges page and enable access to both badges.
- Award both badges to a student.
- Go to the student's course profile page and verify that both badges are listed.
- Click on each badge, then on the badge page verify that all details listed are correct including endorsement, names of related badges and alignments.
- Verify that endorsement date issued is correct and that the issuer URL and claim URL link correctly.
- Verify that the alignments link correctly.
- Go to the course badges page (either via the navigation drawer or the navigation block, depending upon the theme).
- Verify that the name, description and criterion plus description is displayed correctly for both badges.