Functional Test
Moodle 2.9
Test Pre-requisites:
- A Database activity with a file field and a picture field.
Test Steps:
- Login as a teacher, navigate to the Database activity, Click the Fields tab and update the picture field.
- Set the maximum size to "Course upload limit".
- Login as a Student and navigate to the Database activity. Select the Add an entry tab.
- Click 'Add...' on the Picture field and verify that File picker is displayed
- Select 'Upload a file', choose a file to upload and upload it.
- Click 'Save and view' and verify that the files have been uploaded.
- Verify that the picture displays, and download the picture (clicking on it) to verify that the file link has been created properly.
- Login as a Teacher and download the picture, then verify that the file is correct.
- Navigate to the Database activity.
- Click the fields tab and follow steps 2 and 3, but set the Maximum size to something lower than the course upload limit.
- Follow steps 3 onwards with the new setting.