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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-1 Moodle QA testing
  3. MDLQA-9260

Competencies can be rated from a course and oblige to automatic rules


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • Competencies, Course
    • None

      This test is quite long, make sure to allow sufficient time for it.
      This test requires cron run.


      1. Login as an manager (Site wide)
      2. Create scale Not satisfactory,Satisfactory,Outstanding (Site administration ▶︎ Grades ▶︎ Scales)
      3. Go to Site administration > Competencies > Competency frameworks and create 1 framework (F1) if you don't have any competency framework.
      4. Pick the scale 'Satisfactory' with default 'Satisfactory', and proficient 'Satisfactory' and 'Outstanding'.
      5. Add the following tree of competencies:

        - A
        -- A1
        -- A2
        - B
        -- B1
        -- B2
        - C
        -- C1
        -- C2

      6. Set a Competency rule on A:
        • Outcome: "Attach an evidence"
        • When: All children are complete
      7. Set a Competency rule on B:
        • Outcome: "Mark as complete"
        • When: All children are complete
      8. Set a Competency rule on C:
        • Outcome: "Recommend the competency"
        • When: Points required are met
          • C1: 2 (not required)
          • C2: 1 (required)
          • Total required: 2
      9. Go to Sites pages > Participants and go to a student's profile (S1)
      10. Follow the link to their learning plans
      11. Create a new learning plan (Max's plan) with status Active
      12. Add the competencies A, A1, A2, B, B1, B2, C, C1, C2 from the framework F1.
      13. Create a course with 'Completion tracking' enabled and ensure that S1 is enrolled as a student, and that a teacher is enrolled too.
      14. Link the competencies A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 with following 'Upon course completion rule':
        • A1: Do nothing
        • A2: Attach an evidence
        • B1: Send for review
        • B2: Complete the competency
        • C1: Do nothing
        • C2: Do nothing
      15. Confirm that the page displays "Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in individual learning plans.", if not change the setting to match.
      16. Add a Page resource (Page1) to the course with:
        • Activity completion set to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed"
        • Competencies: C2
        • Competencies, upon activity completion: Complete the competency
      17. Head to the 'Course completion' rules, and set
        • When 'Any conditions are met'
        • Manual completion by others: Teacher [X]
        • Manual completion by others: ANY selected roles to mark the condition is met
      18. Save

      Test 1

      1. Login as teacher
      2. Go to Reports > Competency breakdown
      3. Rate S1, on the following competencies:
        • A1: Not satisfactory
      4. Login as manager
      5. Go back to the Course competencies page, and change "Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in individual learning plans." to "Rating a competency ONLY updates the competency in this course".
      6. Log in as Teacher again
      7. Go to Reports > Competency breakdown
      8. Rate S1, on the following competencies:
        • A2: Satisfactory
        • C1: Outstanding
      9. Log in as Manager
      10. Go back to the Course competencies page, and change "Rating a competency ONLY updates the competency in this course". to "Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in individual learning plans.".
      11. Login as the student
      12. Go to the course and follow 'Course competencies', confirm that the ratings are:
        • A1: Not satisfactory
        • A2: Satisfactory
        • B1: Not rated
        • B2: Not rated
        • C1: Outstanding
        • C2: Not rated
      13. Go to your profile page and click "Learning plans" . Access "Max's plan", then confirm that the ratings are:
        • A: Not rated
        • A1: Not satisfactory (Not proficient)
        • A2: Not rated
        • B: Not rated
        • B1: Not rated
        • B2: Not rated
        • C: Not rated
        • C1: Not rated
        • C2: Not rated
      14. Follow A1, A2 and C1, and confirm that an evidence indicates that the competency was rated from a course.
      15. Head back to the course, and mark Page1 as 'Completed'
      16. Now both in 'Course competencies', and in 'Max's plan' the competency C2 should be 'Satisfactory' and Proficient

      Test 2

      Requires Test 1 as a pre-requisite.

      1. Login as a teacher and head back to the course
      2. Follow 'Reports > Course completion'
      3. Mark S1 as having completed the course
      4. Login as manager and run cron (or wait a few minutes for cron to run)
      5. Go to 'Reports > Competency breakdown' and select the student S1
      6. View the details of each of the following competencies and confirm the statements.
        • A2: The competency is marked 'Satisfactory', and an evidence attests that the course was completed
        • B1: An evidence attests that the course was completed
        • B2: The competency is marked 'Satisfactory', and an evidence attests that the course was completed
      7. Login as the student S1, and head to 'Max's plan', then confirm that the ratings are:
        • A: Not rated
        • A1: Not satisfactory (Not proficient)
        • A2: Not rated
        • B: Not rated
        • B1: Not rated (Waiting for review)
        • B2: Satisfactory (Proficient)
        • C: Not rated
        • C1: Not rated
        • C2: Satisfactory (Proficient)
      8. As the teacher, go back to the course and go to rate the competencies of S1.
      9. Give the following ratings:
        • A1: Satisfactory
        • A2: Outstanding
        • B1: Satisfactory
        • C1: Satisfactory
      10. Login as the student and go to 'Max's plan', then confirm that the ratings are:
        • A: Not rated
        • A1: Satisfactory
        • A2: Outstanding
        • B: Satisfactory
        • B1: Satisfactory (Waiting for review)
        • B2: Satisfactory
        • C: Not rated (Waiting for review)
        • C1: Satisfactory
        • C2: Satisfactory
      11. Follow A, B, and C, and confirm that an evidence states that "The rule of the competency was met.".

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