Functional Test
This test is quite long, make sure to allow sufficient time for it.
This test requires cron run.
- Login as an manager (Site wide)
- Create scale Not satisfactory,Satisfactory,Outstanding (Site administration ▶︎ Grades ▶︎ Scales)
- Go to Site administration > Competencies > Competency frameworks and create 1 framework (F1) if you don't have any competency framework.
- Pick the scale 'Satisfactory' with default 'Satisfactory', and proficient 'Satisfactory' and 'Outstanding'.
- Add the following tree of competencies:
- A
-- A1
-- A2
- B
-- B1
-- B2
- C
-- C1
-- C2
- Set a Competency rule on A:
- Outcome: "Attach an evidence"
- When: All children are complete
- Set a Competency rule on B:
- Outcome: "Mark as complete"
- When: All children are complete
- Set a Competency rule on C:
- Outcome: "Recommend the competency"
- When: Points required are met
- C1: 2 (not required)
- C2: 1 (required)
- Total required: 2
- Go to Sites pages > Participants and go to a student's profile (S1)
- Follow the link to their learning plans
- Create a new learning plan (Max's plan) with status Active
- Add the competencies A, A1, A2, B, B1, B2, C, C1, C2 from the framework F1.
- Create a course with 'Completion tracking' enabled and ensure that S1 is enrolled as a student, and that a teacher is enrolled too.
- Link the competencies A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 with following 'Upon course completion rule':
- A1: Do nothing
- A2: Attach an evidence
- B1: Send for review
- B2: Complete the competency
- C1: Do nothing
- C2: Do nothing
- Confirm that the page displays "Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in individual learning plans.", if not change the setting to match.
- Add a Page resource (Page1) to the course with:
- Activity completion set to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed"
- Competencies: C2
- Competencies, upon activity completion: Complete the competency
- Head to the 'Course completion' rules, and set
- When 'Any conditions are met'
- Manual completion by others: Teacher [X]
- Manual completion by others: ANY selected roles to mark the condition is met
- Save
Test 1
- Login as teacher
- Go to Reports > Competency breakdown
- Rate S1, on the following competencies:
- A1: Not satisfactory
- Login as manager
- Go back to the Course competencies page, and change "Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in individual learning plans." to "Rating a competency ONLY updates the competency in this course".
- Log in as Teacher again
- Go to Reports > Competency breakdown
- Rate S1, on the following competencies:
- A2: Satisfactory
- C1: Outstanding
- Log in as Manager
- Go back to the Course competencies page, and change "Rating a competency ONLY updates the competency in this course". to "Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in individual learning plans.".
- Login as the student
- Go to the course and follow 'Course competencies', confirm that the ratings are:
- A1: Not satisfactory
- A2: Satisfactory
- B1: Not rated
- B2: Not rated
- C1: Outstanding
- C2: Not rated
- Go to your profile page and click "Learning plans" . Access "Max's plan", then confirm that the ratings are:
- A: Not rated
- A1: Not satisfactory (Not proficient)
- A2: Not rated
- B: Not rated
- B1: Not rated
- B2: Not rated
- C: Not rated
- C1: Not rated
- C2: Not rated
- Follow A1, A2 and C1, and confirm that an evidence indicates that the competency was rated from a course.
- Head back to the course, and mark Page1 as 'Completed'
- Now both in 'Course competencies', and in 'Max's plan' the competency C2 should be 'Satisfactory' and Proficient
Test 2
Requires Test 1 as a pre-requisite.
- Login as a teacher and head back to the course
- Follow 'Reports > Course completion'
- Mark S1 as having completed the course
- Login as manager and run cron (or wait a few minutes for cron to run)
- Go to 'Reports > Competency breakdown' and select the student S1
- View the details of each of the following competencies and confirm the statements.
- A2: The competency is marked 'Satisfactory', and an evidence attests that the course was completed
- B1: An evidence attests that the course was completed
- B2: The competency is marked 'Satisfactory', and an evidence attests that the course was completed
- Login as the student S1, and head to 'Max's plan', then confirm that the ratings are:
- A: Not rated
- A1: Not satisfactory (Not proficient)
- A2: Not rated
- B: Not rated
- B1: Not rated (Waiting for review)
- B2: Satisfactory (Proficient)
- C: Not rated
- C1: Not rated
- C2: Satisfactory (Proficient)
- As the teacher, go back to the course and go to rate the competencies of S1.
- Give the following ratings:
- A1: Satisfactory
- A2: Outstanding
- B1: Satisfactory
- C1: Satisfactory
- Login as the student and go to 'Max's plan', then confirm that the ratings are:
- A: Not rated
- A1: Satisfactory
- A2: Outstanding
- B: Satisfactory
- B1: Satisfactory (Waiting for review)
- B2: Satisfactory
- C: Not rated (Waiting for review)
- C1: Satisfactory
- C2: Satisfactory
- Follow A, B, and C, and confirm that an evidence states that "The rule of the competency was met.".