- As teacher create two essay questions:
- One with the Response format as "Plain text" and Allow attachments set to "Unlimited"
- Add another one setting the Response format as "HTML editor", Allow attachments set to "No" and enter some text in the Information for graders field.
- Add the essay questions to a quiz and also add one automatically graded question to the quiz (e.g. true/false).
- As a student attempt the quiz, including uploading at least one file.
- Verify that only one question allows attachments and only one question has the HTML editor.
- As a teacher review the student's first attempt.
- Verify there's a 'Make comment or override mark' link by each Essay question.
- Click that link by the first essay and add a grade and a comment in the pop-up window and then click Save.
- Verify the review page updates to show this.
- Repeat for the second essay and verify the grader info is displayed in the pop-up. Do NOT enter a grade.
- Go to the Quiz > Results and select "Manual grading" in the menu.
- Verify that is shows the two essays, each with one left to grade, and one already graded and both display the question type icon.
- Click the "Also show questions that have been graded automatically" link and verify that the third question is now also shown with 1 (one) automatically graded.
- Verify all questions display the question type icon.
- Click on of the "Grade", "update grades", "grade all" links and verify that works correctly.
- Go back to the Quiz > Results > Grades and verify that the graded questions appear correctly.
- has a clone
MDLQA-19824 CLONE - A teacher can manually grade quiz questions
- Passed