Resolution: Done
Some hours ago moodle.org has started experiencing problems, unable to serve requests.
It has been detected that this query is getting minutes (2500 seconds) to complete:
SELECT ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance FROM context ctx WHERE id IN (SELECT contextid
FROM comments
WHERE component = 'assignsubmission_comments'
AND commentarea = 'submission_comments'
AND userid = '2438070')
The query seems to come from the privacy stuff, more exactly:
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDLSITE-5529 moodle.org forum notification emails not being sent
- Resolved
MDLSITE-5498 Learn Moodle data requests stuck on pre-processing
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-62601 Processing deletion request by a user deleted meanwhile - throws exception
- Closed
MDL-62602 Data requests stuck on pre-processing
- Closed
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-62619 Improve performance of get_contexts_for_userid
- Closed
MDL-62621 Comments table in db has no indexes
- Closed