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CLONE - A user can display an Open Badges collection in their Moodle profileMDLQA-7066
CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on MySQL with ApacheMDLQA-7065
CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on PostgreSQL with ApacheMDLQA-7004
CLONE - A user can add files from AlfrescoMDLQA-5022
CLONE - In Internet Explorer 8, on the index page, the correct course controls are available on section pages for weekly format, in paged mode, when ajax is turned on.MDLQA-4966
In Internet Explorer 8 group mode icons toggle group mode correctlyMDLQA-4960
CLONE - In Internet Explorer 8 group mode icons are set to the correct state when group mode is forced.MDLQA-3899
Marking GuideMDLQA-3873
Marking GuideMDLQA-1872
NEW Assignment Test 2.3 - In an Online text assignment, a teacher can add inline commentsMDLQA-1412
CLONE - An administrator can upload users to the siteMDLQA-1407
CLONE - An administrator can enable gravatars as user picturesMDLQA-1400
CLONE - The TinyMCE HTML editor enables media to be easily addedMDLQA-1399
CLONE - The TinyMCE HTML editor enables emoticons to be easily addedMDLQA-1224
CLONE - A teacher can set one of 7 possible glossary display formatsMDLQA-1208
CLONE - Database activity entries can be viewed in a list or singly or they can be searched or browsedMDLQA-1206
CLONE - In a database activity, students can add entries to a databaseMDL-46206
Alt image in footer is incorrectly repeatedMDL-45611
Question text overlaps other parts of the UI on the edit quiz page.MDL-45476
multiple-choice question editors are a bit uglyMDL-45418
Add missing .pub extension to File typesMDL-45327
File picker not launching correctly in Chrome 34 (Moodle 2.6)MDL-44916
Fix clean problems in the question bankMDL-44881
The dialogue to pick a file in file picker is not nicely styledMDL-44806
Accessibility checker goes wide unnecessarilyMDL-44776
Make Atto equation editor dialogue widerMDL-44765
atto_image: Dialogue is not resized after the accessibility warning is displayedMDL-44754
Explain the meaning of the group names in the toolbar configurationMDL-44416
Filepicker pagination in detail (table) view does not display second (or subsequent) pagesMDL-44240
Atto: Combine plugins indent/outdent into one.MDL-44223
Atto: Missing images are not displayed at all in the editorMDL-44216
Atto: Invert indent/outdent buttonsMDL-44215
Atto: Toolbar should wrap on several linesMDL-44083
Atto has wrong icons for screenreader helper and accessibility checkerMDL-43955
Atto: input text should not have for parent the contenteditable tagMDL-43737
Remove the {!} place holders from the file-picker renderersMDL-43284
Question bank needs some CSS attentionMDL-43084
Dialogue headers are not styled correctly on IE10MDL-43083
The course page edit cog is stretched into 16x16MDL-43076
Activity chooser has a white bar across the bottomMDL-42953
main-region header blocks style broken in my page when edit mode is activatedMDL-42909
Move (non-JS): title attribute is on wrong tagMDL-42752
Disabled icons on file picker still get focus resulting in them being read out by screen readersMDL-42699
TinyMCE editing area has NO whitespace padding at allMDL-42684
Width of TinyMCE iframe narrower than bounding areaMDL-42660
Toolbars: the spacing is too large (standard and clean)MDL-42657
TinyMce: add separator for colour button to trigger the color pickerMDL-42656
TinyMce: on chrome, when the window is too small, the right side of the editor disappear behind the box container.MDL-42654
TinyMce: it's only displayed on half the screenMDL-42631
Icons on the filepicker/manager toolbar need tooltips to help understand what they do
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorised to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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