Resolution: Duplicate
Related to MDL-29347 & MDL-29476
When moodle course contains too my participants like moodle.org using moodle course, the xmlrpc response could be as big as 14 mb, it's impossible to parse such a large xml file on iPhone, therefore, we need to return basic user info only in large course, to fix this we need:
- get course list web service tell iPhone app how many participants in this course
- get_users_by_courseid webservice should use the option to tell moodle side what fields are needed
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-29347 core_enrol_get_enrolled_users web service should limit the number of participants
- Closed
MDL-29476 moodle_enrol_get_users_courses should return number of participants, moodle_user_get_users_by_courseid should limit the fields to be returned
- Closed
- will help resolve
MOBILE-112 Cannot get participants list from moodle.org
- Resolved