Resolution: Fixed
- Put the app folder inside a path containing a folder with name 'www'. For example: ~/www/moodlemobile2
- Run gulp. Check that the language files are successfully created.
Moodle Mobile 3.1.3
There would come problem on language strings when you we place moodlemobile2 folder under www folder of System for any mobile app customization.
Like if I have centos operating system, which has folder structure something like,
var/www/html, If I do something like var/www/html/mycustomapp, then the error would come something like,
*'mma.files.myprivatefiles' | translate
'mma.files.myprivatefilesdesc' | translate
'mma.files.sitefiles' | translate
'mma.files.sitesdesc' | translate
'mma.files.admindisableddownload' | translate
'mma.files.clicktoupload' | translate
'mma.files.clickupload' | translate
'mma.files.uploadfile' | translate*
It happens because, the language file is existing in www folder mycustomapp/www/core/language
By this line var path = file.path.substr(file.path.indexOf('/www/') + 5, file.path.length-5);
at treatFile() in gulp.js near about line numbder 66 tries to get the language file from var/www/core/language but our real structure is something like var/www/html/mycustomapp/www/core/language. According to above line, it gets the first www which has not language files, so language strings can not be converted in real language.
Discussion can be found at Here