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  1. Moodle app
  2. MOBILE-1944

Show badge number on application icon


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.2.1
    • 3.2
    • Cordova
    • Hide

      Enter to a site with unread messages or notifications.
      Switch account and check there's a badge with the sum on the site row.
      Enter another site also with unread messages or notifications.
      Close the app and check the badge application number (the one shown on the right top corner of the app icon) shows the total number.

      Optionally ,repeat MOBILE-1786 and MOBILE-1787 testing instructions but checking the badge application number (the number shown on the right top corner of the app icon).

      Enter to a site with unread messages or notifications. Switch account and check there's a badge with the sum on the site row. Enter another site also with unread messages or notifications. Close the app and check the badge application number (the one shown on the right top corner of the app icon) shows the total number. Optionally ,repeat MOBILE-1786 and MOBILE-1787 testing instructions but checking the badge application number (the number shown on the right top corner of the app icon).
    • Moodle Mobile 3.2.1

      For iOS and Android we should check the setApplicationIconBadgeNumber to try to set badge numbers.

      It will need a new delegate to register elements to count (per site).

      However this should add badge for every site on siteList and total number on the app icon.

            pferre22 Pau Ferrer
            pferre22 Pau Ferrer
            Dani Palou Dani Palou
            Juan Leyva Juan Leyva
            Berta Maroto Berta Maroto
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 2 days, 1 hour
                2d 1h
                Time Not Required
                Not Specified

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