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  1. Moodle app
  2. MOBILE-1977

"Back" is not internationalized


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.2.1
    • 3.2
    • Cordova
    • Hide

      This must be tested in iOS or browser. In Android the back button doesn't have text.

      1. Configure the app in English and go to a view that shows the "Back" text (not the previous view title). For example, open an activity in a course.
      2. Check that the text in the back button is "Back".
      3. Now go to App Settings and change the language to Spanish.
      4. Go back to the same view as in step 1 and check that now the back button text is "Atrás".
      This must be tested in iOS or browser. In Android the back button doesn't have text. Configure the app in English and go to a view that shows the "Back" text (not the previous view title). For example, open an activity in a course. Check that the text in the back button is "Back". Now go to App Settings and change the language to Spanish. Go back to the same view as in step 1 and check that now the back button text is "Atrás".
    • Moodle Mobile 3.2.1

      I must say I tested this only in iOS.
      The mention of "Back" on the right hand side of the arrow pointing left isn't following the device language.

      Another app, iOS language set to italian.

      Another app, iOS language set to german.

      Moodle Mobile, iOS language set either to italian or german (doesn't matter)

        1. back_german.png
          74 kB
        2. back_italian.png
          63 kB
        3. back_moodle_mobile.png
          64 kB

            dpalou Dani Palou
            lucaboesch Luca Bösch
            Pau Ferrer Pau Ferrer
            Juan Leyva Juan Leyva
            Juan Leyva Juan Leyva
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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