Resolution: Duplicate
3.8.2, 3.9.2
Moodle App 3.9.5
When using the Moodle app launching a LTI tool fails. When using a browser everything works accurate.
Steps to reproduce
The issue can be reproduced by using the our test-moodle in the android app (see hidden comment only available to developers)
Expected behavior
The moodle Platform should start an OpenID Connect flow by redirecting to the tools login end point. The authentication response is sent to the tool's redirect_uri (launch-url). See https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/security/v1p0#openid_connect_launch_flow
Actual behavior
The launch-url is called but no preceding login call can be found. This leads to a failing launch caused by missing authentication.
In the menu of the activity view of Moodle app use open-in-browser.
Tool Settings (Moodle)
Tool URL | https://acc.bettermarks.com/v1.0/lti13/launch |
LTI version | LTI 1.3 |
Public keyset | https://acc.bettermarks.com/v1.0/lti13/jwks |
Initiate login URL | https://acc.bettermarks.com/v1.0/lti13/login |
Redirection URI(s) | https://acc.bettermarks.com/v1.0/lti13/launch |