Resolution: Fixed
3.9.3, 3.9.4
Moodle App 3.9.5
Hi, I am testing the new app version 3.9.3.
I am using the german language pack de_du for my moodle courses. So I also use the language pack de_du for my mobile moodle app. tipping on the button "Hilfe" (=help) opens the website https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/Main_page ... this is wrong! The language pack de_du is a german sub package from the german language pack de. The app should open the same site in the moodle docs.
The correct site would be https://docs.moodle.org/39/de/Moodle_App because my test run with a moodle site with Moodle 3.9.2. When I switch the language to german pack de then everything is okay.
Best regards, Ralf