Resolution: Won't Do
If a user replies using the app does not see their answer or anybody else; other users using a browser see that reply as if it was "corrupted"; while teachers see all replies (independently of app/browser) correctly
This happens with old sites (3.7) as well as new ones (3.11)
To reproduce it:
1) [Browser1/teacher] Log in with a user with a teacher role, and create a new forum configured as Q and A forum - OK
2) [Browser2/student] Log in with a user with a student role (u2), and double-check you cannot create questions - OK
3) [App/student] Log in with a user with a student role (u1), and double-check you cannot create questions - OK
4) [Browser1/teacher] Add a question - OK
5) [Browser2/student] Check that you can see the question - OK
6) [App/student] Check that you can see the question - OK
7) [Browser2/student] Reply to the question - OK
8) [App/student] Double-check that you cannot see any reply - OK
9) [App/student] Reply to the question - OK (at least apparently)
10) [Browser1/teacher] Double-check that you can see both replies - OK
11) [Browser2/student] You can see your own answer (u2) [OK], instead of seeing the other user's reply you can read [NOT OK]
Subject (hidden)
This post cannot be viewed by you, probably because you have not posted in the discussion, the maximum editing time hasn't passed yet, the discussion has not started or the discussion has expired.
12) [App/student] You cannot see any reply (not even your own) - Not OK
13) [Browser1/teacher] Reply to both answers - OK
14) [Browser2/student] See that instead of the teacher's replies you can read [NOT OK]
Subject (hidden)
This post cannot be viewed by you, probably because you have not posted in the discussion, the maximum editing time hasn't passed yet, the discussion has not started or the discussion has expired.
15) [Browser3/student] Log in with a user with a student role (u1), and double-check you can see your answer [OK], see that instead of the other user's answer and the teacher's replies you see [NOT OK]
Subject (hidden)
This post cannot be viewed by you, probably because you have not posted in the discussion, the maximum editing time hasn't passed yet, the discussion has not started or the discussion has expired.