Resolution: Won't Do
Moodle App 4.1.0
Right now this page can take a long time to load, specially if the course is big. There are 2 bottlenecks:
- Calculate the space in disk for each activity.
- Calculate the space in the wscache table for each activity.
The first one uses a memory cache to speed up the load time after the first time, but the second one doesn't. I considered including the second one in the memory cache too, but it means the cache would be invalidated every time the app performs a WS request to the site for the activity, so it would be invalidated more frequently. We need to look at this carefully.
The only way we thought of fixing the load time of the first load is to store the calculated values in a permanent storage (e.g. DB). But we need to check this data isn't invalidated too often either.