New Feature
Resolution: Done
Moodle App 4.1.1
In MDL-74030 a link within the user profile to a page listing the reports a user can see was created.
We need to support this on the app, so the following functionality is required (LMS side):
- Detect if Report builder is enabled
- Detect whether we should display the link in the user profile to view reports for a particular uesr
- Web Service to retrieve all the reports a user can see
- Web Service to retrieve data for a particular report (with some information about filters applied?)
- Web Service to indicate that a report was viewed by someone
Shaping doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TOtYyixB80nYuWKs24CqqSKgz4VEzZO_7KHrqsfKsqM/edit#heading=h.604dubnwdl0t
- is blocked by
MDL-74955 New Web Service core_reportbuilder_reports_list
- Closed
MDL-74956 New Web Service core_reportbuilder_retrieve_report
- Closed
MDL-74957 New Web Service core_reportbuilder_reports_view
- Closed
IDEA-77 Report builder visualisation support
- Closed
- is child of
IDEA-101 Report builder (visualisation of custom reports)
- Closed
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-74825 Return "customusermenuitems" value via tool_mobile_get_config WS
- Closed
MDL-74826 Add new "Disabled feature" within Mobile app settings for the new Reports option introduced in 4.0
- Closed
MDL-74827 Update the core_webservice_get_site_info WebService to return the value of the advanced feature: enablecustomreports
- Closed