New Feature
Resolution: Done
Moodle App 4.2.0
Encrypt mobile notifications should be encrypted so the AirNotifier server and platform notification service (Firebase/APN) cannot read user data.
Fields to encrypt:
- userfromfullname
- smallmessage,
- fullmessage
- fullmessagehtml
- subject
- customdata
A key pair should be generated on the device to be stored in the device keychain (Hardware module if possible).
The public key will be registered against the device in Moodle (user_devices table).
If the setting `tool_mobile/encryptnotifications` is on the relevant notification fields will be encrypted.
When the device receives an encrypted notification it will be decrypted using the private key.
Push wrapper: https://github.com/alexmorrisnz/push-wrapper
phonegap-plugin-push: https://github.com/alexmorrisnz/phonegap-plugin-push/tree/MDL-76722-encrypted_notifications-x25519
- is blocked by
MDL-76722 Add encrypted mobile notifications support
- Closed
- is child of
IDEA-157 Encrypted push notifications
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MOBILE-4359 App killed: push notifications open the app but not the expected page
- Closed
MOBILE-4358 Tablet: When you tap on a push notification from a message, if you had previously opened a different conversation you see the content of the latest message but the selected conversation isn't updated
- Open