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  1. Moodle app
  2. MOBILE-4360

White spaces between | in custom language strings are breaking the feature


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      This issue can be tested in Android or iOS (it doesn't require to be tested in both)

      1. As admin in LMS go to Site administration > Mobile features, add _ at the end of the list of _Custom language strings section, the following value: core.courses.mycourses | hello | en
      2. Open the app, set the app lang as english if is not english from the beginning of the test. Login in the site and check that the My courses page title has changed correctly.
      3. Repeat the 2nd step but using the app in other language. In that case it shouldn't change the My courses page title.
      This issue can be tested in Android or iOS (it doesn't require to be tested in both) As admin in LMS go to Site administration > Mobile features, add _  at the end of the list of _Custom language strings section, the following value: core.courses.mycourses | hello | en Open the app, set the app lang as english if is not english from the beginning of the test. Login in the site and check that the My courses page title has changed correctly. Repeat the 2nd step but using the app in other language. In that case it shouldn't change the My courses page title.
    • Moodle Apps - 2023 Sprint i2.2

      To reproduce, customise some strings with white spaces before or after the separators (|):

      core.login.startsignup | إنشاء حساب جديد | ar
      core.courses.mymoodle | لوحة البيانات | ar
      core.courses.enrolme | الانضمام | ar

            alfonso.salces@moodle.com Alfonso Salces
            jleyva Juan Leyva
            Dani Palou Dani Palou
            Isabel Renedo Rouco Isabel Renedo Rouco
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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