Resolution: Done
Moodle Apps - 2024 i1.2
If competencies are not enabled on a Moodle site, when viewing the user menu in the mobile app, an exception is thrown and output to the error log:
REST exception handler: Competencies are not enabled. Debug:
Error code: competenciesarenotenabled
- line 96 of /competency/classes/api.php: moodle_exception thrown
- line 2374 of /competency/classes/api.php: call to core_competency\api::require_enabled()
- line 66 of /admin/tool/lp/classes/output/plans_page.php: call to core_competency\api::list_user_plans()
- line 656 of /admin/tool/lp/classes/external.php: call to tool_lp\output\plans_page->__construct()
- line 1517 of /webservice/lib.php: call to tool_lp\external::data_for_plans_page()
- line 1363 of /webservice/lib.php: call to webservice_base_server->execute()
- line 44 of /webservice/rest/server.php: call to webservice_base_server->run()
It appears the call is originating from:
"POST /webservice/rest/server.php?moodlewsrestformat=json&wsfunction=tool_lp_data_for_course_competencies_page HTTP/1.1" "-" "
While there is no issue for the user, the repetition of this error to the log is unnecessary. Is there a way to check if competencies are enabled for making the API call?
Thank you!
- is blocked by
MDL-80724 The core_webservice_get_siteinfo WebService should return whether the "Competencies" advance feature is enabled
- Closed