The web service call to create a note uses the 'moodle_notes_create_notes' function name.
In the past this function call accepted a string for the 'format' parameter. In Moodle 2.5 the 'format' field must be an integer
Steps to replicate:
Using Moodle Mobile 1.4 and Moodle 2.5
1. Login to the app
2. Access a list of participants
3. Access a user
4. Touch the 'Add a note' button
5. Complete the form
6. Touch the 'Add a note' button
Expected outcome
A note is for the selected user is created
Actual outcome
An error occurs in the app as 'Invalid Parameter Detected'. The full error in the JSON returned is:
notes => Invalid parameter value detected: format => Invalid parameter value detected: Invalid external api parameter: the value is \"text\", the server was expecting \"int\" type