An initial working prototype with static data should be implemented displaying all the current features of the app, supporting both phones and tablets.
The prototype must focus in UI/navigation/usuability issues. The prototype will not use services/factories for retrieving the data. Data will be static (.json files or hardcoded data structures).
This prototype must be validated by Martin and Barbara.
Prototype must include:
- The initial login screen (fake data)
- Notifications screen: Including a couple of notifications. One notification should be about a forum post, it should open the forum post.
- Messages screen (whatsapp/telegram) style
- Upload option (just the menu entries, options should not work)
- Calendar events (including a couple of events)
- Myfiles: Basic navigation files
- My courses: Including contents, participants and grades (static data)
- Settings. A list of all the settings. No need to implement internationalization in the prototype at this stage, just listing all the options.
For tablets:
The left menu must be open always:
And we should allow nested views in the left menu, something like this example:
Or maybe a three panels view (main menu, submenu and contents)