Resolution: Fixed
Tasks to be performed every time we are going to release a new version:
- Bump version numbers (config.json and config.xml) Config.xml includes the iOs Bundle name
- Disable debugging in config.json and config.xml (android:debuggable)
- Update (bump versions) of the local_mobile plugin for all version if it has changes or new features
- Update the local_moodlemobileapp plugin with new strings in moodle.org/plugins
- Auto translate strings with the script
- Update language strings and pack from AMOS
- QA tests
- Create a TAG in github with the version number
- Build the app for Android
- Build the app for iPhone
- Release the app in Play Store
- Release the app in Apple app Store
- Update release notes (http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Moodle_Mobile_Release_Notes)
- Update Developers Documentation
- Update User Documentation
- Forum and twitter announcements