
    • Hide
      1. Navigate in the app and check that you can see a loading spinner while data is being loaded (courses list, sections list, section, participants list, user profile, grades, files list, ...)
      2. Check that the views affected are not broken, including pull to refresh.
      3. Add a new site or upload/download a file and check that you can see the new modal loading in action (it includes a ion-spinner now).
      Navigate in the app and check that you can see a loading spinner while data is being loaded (courses list, sections list, section, participants list, user profile, grades, files list, ...) Check that the views affected are not broken, including pull to refresh. Add a new site or upload/download a file and check that you can see the new modal loading in action (it includes a ion-spinner now).

      We have to decide what we want to do about the loading as I have found a little issue with it just now.

      As we need to wrap $mmUtil.showModalLoading() within a $translate, it becomes async, which means that sometimes we could call $mmUtil.closeModalLoading() as it's not displayed yet.

      If we agree that throughout the whole app we're going to use that kind of loading:

      1. Do we want to block any input during the loading?
      2. What happens for things that should load in the background?
      3. Is that style correct? How does a user cancels an action that lasts for too long?

      If we do agree on keeping $ionicLoading for now, we should refactor the $mmUtil implementation to return an object that can close the popup, or cancel its opening.

      We should also look into adding a default "Loading" string, and support $translate from within $mmUtil rather than asking to pass the string around. "Loading" should be the string to use except in some rare occasions ("Downloading", "Uploading", ...).

            dpalou Dani Palou
            fred Frédéric Massart
            Frédéric Massart Frédéric Massart
            Juan Leyva Juan Leyva
            Juan Leyva Juan Leyva
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


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