Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Created Updated Components Affects Version/s Development Integrator Resolved
Sub-task MDL-66862

MDL-66358 Correct userIndex lookup

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66845

MDL-66358 Hook up "Save" button

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66841

MDL-66358 Handle grading errors

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66828

MDL-66358 Display notification on grade save

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66809

MDL-66358 Create everything for Scales

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66722

MDL-66358 Create infrastructure to save and fetch grade values

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66700

MDL-66358 Create whole kaboodle for Marking guide

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66699

MDL-66358 Create WS and JS to save Rubric values for a user

Unassigned Minor Closed Deferred Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66698

MDL-66358 Create WS to fetch current Rubric values

Unassigned Minor Closed Deferred Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66697

MDL-66358 Create template + JS + WS for displaying a Rubric

Mathew May Minor Closed Done Forum 3.8
Sub-task MDL-66696

MDL-66358 Create relevant DB tables for grading

Andrew Lyons Minor Closed Deferred Forum 3.8
