Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Created Updated Components Affects Version/s Development Integrator Resolved
Functional Test MDLQA-12276

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can request personal data on behalf of another user

AL Rachels Minor Passed Privacy, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12274

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - VideoJs player can be configured for RMTP

AL Rachels Minor Passed Media Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12272

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can request for their personal data to be deleted

AL Rachels Minor Passed Privacy, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12270

MDLQA-11698 CLONE A teacher can add a list of questions to the Add a Random question dialog

Lance Roe Minor Passed Questions, Quiz Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12268

MDLQA-11698 CLONE In RTL mode the VideoJS progress timeline is not flipped.

Nadav Kavalerchik Minor Passed Media Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12266

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can request a copy of their data

AL Rachels Minor Passed Privacy, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12265

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can send a message to the Data Protection Officer

AL Rachels Minor Passed Privacy, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12261

MDLQA-11698 A teacher can add select random questions for quizzes using tags

AL Rachels Minor Passed Questions, Quiz, Tags Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12260

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can perform bulk actions on self enrolled users

Kevin Wiliarty Minor Passed Course, Enrolments Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12259

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can apply cohort themes

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Administration, Themes Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12258

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can record video and insert it into a text area

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed HTML Editor Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12257

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can record audio and insert it into a text area

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed HTML Editor, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12256

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin of a site using a database without full-text support can enable a simple global search

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Minor Passed Global search Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12255

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin of a site using Microsoft SQL Server can enable a simple global search

Carlos Escobedo Minor Passed Global search Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12254

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin of a site using MariaDB can enable a simple global search

Nicolas Martignoni Minor Passed Global search Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12253

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin of a site using MySQL can enable a simple global search

AL Rachels Minor Passed Global search Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12252

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin of a site using PostgreSQL can enable a simple global search

Janelle Barcega Minor Passed Global search Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12251

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Media files can be played using the VideoJS player

AL Rachels Minor Passed Media, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12250

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Admins can change analytics settings and setup different machine learning backends

Kevin Wiliarty Minor Passed Analytics Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12249

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teachers can get insights for their course

David Monllaó Minor Passed Analytics, Manager, Reports, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12248

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can obtain prediction models insights

Michael Hawkins Minor Passed Analytics, Manager, Reports, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12247

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Managers can manage analytics prediction models

Michael Hawkins Minor Passed Analytics, Manager, Reports Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12246

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can enrol users and edit enrolments, roles and groups from the Participants page

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Enrolments, Groups, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12245

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can add a new event to the calendar

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Calendar, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12244

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can view upcoming SCORM activities from their Dashboard

AL Rachels Minor Passed Dashboard, SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12243

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can view upcoming Feedback activities from their Dashboard

AL Rachels Minor Passed Dashboard, Feedback, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12242

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can view upcoming Database activities from their Dashboard

Darwin Gonzalez Minor Passed Dashboard, Database activity module, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12241

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can view upcoming Choice activities from their Dashboard

AL Rachels Minor Passed Choice, Dashboard, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12240

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Calendar items within the same month may be moved by drag and drop

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12239

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can inspect core column templates

Ed Beck Minor Passed Themes Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12238

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can enable users to authenticate with their Facebook account

Jean-Marc Doucet Minor Passed Authentication, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12237

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can annotate a OneDrive doc submitted as a controlled link

Shamim Rezaie Minor Passed Assignment, Repositories, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12236

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can annotate a Google doc submitted as a controlled link

Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Blocker Passed Assignment, Repositories, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12235

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can enable users to authenticate with their Google account

Meir Ifrach Minor Passed Administration, Authentication Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12234

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Google Drive can be used to convert documents to pdf for assignment submission annotation

Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Minor Passed Administration, Assignment, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12233

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Glossary entries can be tagged

AL Rachels Minor Passed Glossary, Student, Tags, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12232

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Book chapters can be tagged

Dag Klimas Minor Passed Book, Student, Tags, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12231

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can authenticate with a Microsoft office account

Mary Cooch Minor Passed Administration, Authentication, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12230

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A PDO-compatible DB server may be used for external DB authentication and enrolment

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Minor Passed Authentication, Enrolments Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12229

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can collapse and expand assignment submission annotation comments

AL Rachels Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12228

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Forum completion dates display correctly in the course overview

Clement Prudhomme Minor Passed Dashboard, Forum, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12227

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Activity overrides display correctly in the course overview

Stephen Bourget Minor Passed Assignment, Dashboard, Lesson, Quiz, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12226

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Choices with various 'Allow responses from/until' dates display correctly in the course overview

Sean Marx Minor Passed Choice, Dashboard, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12225

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Published chat sessions display correctly in the course overview

Clement Prudhomme Minor Passed Chat, Dashboard Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12224

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Assignments with different due dates appear correctly in the course overview

Chen Levy Minor Passed Assignment, Dashboard Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12223

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can view their course progress from their dashboard course overview

AL Rachels Minor Passed Dashboard Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12222

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can set course restore defaults which may be locked

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Backup, Manager Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12221

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can specify the default formats for Google Drive files

Mary Cooch Minor Passed Repositories Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12220

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can filter assignment submissions by 'Granted extension'

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12219

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Question type icons are visible when manually grading

Steven Peters Minor Passed Questions, Quiz Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12218

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can choose to show or hide activities or make them available but not shown on the course page

AL Rachels Minor Passed Course, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12217

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can override assignment deadlines

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12216

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can run individual scheduled tasks via the UI

Sean Marx Minor Passed   Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12215

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Media files may be dragged and dropped onto the course page to create labels

Chen Levy Minor Passed Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12214

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Smoke test on Mobile

Sean Marx Minor Passed Themes Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12213

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can access WebDav repository without authentication

David Mudrák (@mudrd8mz) Minor Passed Repositories Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12212

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can access WebDav repository with basic authentication

David Mudrák (@mudrd8mz) Minor Passed Repositories, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12211

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Test smart App Banners for iOS

Sean Marx Minor Passed Mobile Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12210

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - With boost theme, right side blocks are not visible on small screen

Sean Marx Minor Passed Student, Teacher, Themes Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12209

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Password fields should not be auto-filled by password managers

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Libraries Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12208

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Import and Export user tour

Sean Marx Minor Passed User Tours Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12207

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Create, Delete and Edit user tours

Sean Marx Major Passed User Tours Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12206

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Files added to folder resource are visible in recent activity block

AL Rachels Minor Passed Blocks, Folder Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12205

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Uploading file respects maximum file size

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Filepicker Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12204

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Feedback activity with more than 60 questions work

AL Rachels Minor Passed Feedback Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12203

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Statistics report can be generated for site.

Janelle Barcega Minor Passed Course Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12202

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Report logs show site log information

Ryan Wyllie Minor Passed Libraries, Manager Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12201

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Charts not used in moodle core works as expected.

Anna Carissa Sadia Minor Passed Libraries Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12200

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Export and Import competency framework

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Competencies, Manager Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12199

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can enable / disable global search areas

AL Rachels Minor Passed Global search Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12198

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - User is forced to complete required custom user profile fields

Sean Marx Minor Passed Administration, Authentication Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12197

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Admin should be able to upload logo and compact logo

Nicolas Martignoni Minor Passed Administration, Themes Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12196

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A site administrator can install a plugin by source code

Luiggi Sansonetti Trivial Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12195

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Grader report headers are visible with scrolling window

Nadav Kavalerchik Minor Passed Grades, Reports, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12194

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - User can opt out of competency backup during backups

AL Rachels Minor Passed Competencies, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12193

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - LTI tools can be added to LTI manage tools page

Carlos Escobedo Minor Passed Administration, External Tool (IMS-LTI), Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12192

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - File and database session handlers can be used to manage users sessions

Anna Carissa Sadia Minor Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12191

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - memcached and redis session handlers can be used to manage users sessions

David Mudrák (@mudrd8mz) Minor Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12190

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Teacher can Create/Edit/Delete IMS-LTI provider

Simey Lameze Minor Passed External Tool (IMS-LTI), Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12189

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Teacher can share course, activity and resource using LTI provider

Anna Carissa Sadia Minor Passed External Tool (IMS-LTI), Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12188

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Users can link evidences of prior learning to competencies

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Administration, Competencies, Manager, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12187

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can move, relocate, and cross-reference competencies

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12186

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can use assignment grading interface to annotate over students file submissions

AL Rachels Minor Passed Assignment Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12185

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Users can add evidences of prior learning

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12184

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can create, read, update and delete competencies

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12183

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can create their own plan and get a manager to approve them

Janelle Barcega Minor Passed Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12182

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can create, read, update and delete competency frameworks

Chris Baldwin Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12181

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can complete a learning plan derived from a template and future alterations to the plan will have no affect.

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12180

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Competencies can be rated from a course and oblige to automatic rules

Mary Cooch Minor Passed Competencies, Course Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12179

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can create learning plans from a template

Simey Lameze Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12178

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can synchronize cohorts with a learning plan template

Michael Hawkins Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12177

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can attach multiple frameworks to the one template

Michael Hawkins Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12176

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can create, edit, duplicate, and delete learning plan templates

Michael Hawkins Minor Passed Administration, Competencies Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12175

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Feedback analysis may be viewed by a student and exported by a teacher

AL Rachels Minor Passed Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12174

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Teacher can add Feedback activity and feedback block

Steven Peters Minor Passed Feedback, Manager, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12173

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Quiz user attempt should be autosaved after specified time

Mary Cooch Minor Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12172

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can enable PayPal enrolment

Gladys Basiana Minor Passed Administration, Enrolments, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12171

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Check connection to SMTP mail works

Fernando Acedo Minor Passed Messages Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12170

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A quiz with time limit and password restriction display time limit warning

Sean Marx Minor Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12169

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Add tags to activities and resources

Chen Levy Minor Passed Tags Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12168

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can restore a deleted activity from recycle bin

AL Rachels Blocker Passed Backup, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12167

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Global search with solr

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Minor Passed Global search, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12166

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Inline editing element works on all browsers

AL Rachels Minor Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12165

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - File search and breadcrumb works for File system repository

David Mudrák (@mudrd8mz) Minor Passed Filepicker, Repositories Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12164

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can add a SCORM External AICC type package to a course

Simey Lameze Minor Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12163

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can access S3 repository

Shamim Rezaie Minor Passed Repositories, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12162

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Custom profile fields syncable with external DB auth

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Minor Passed Authentication Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12161

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Upcoming events block show upcoming events depending on calendar_lookahead

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Calendar Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12160

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Students can reply to discussion posts by e-mail

Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Minor Passed Forum Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12159

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Students can e-mail to their private files

Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Minor Passed Dashboard Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12158

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can unenrol a user's course IMS enterprise file enrolment

Carlos Escobedo Minor Passed Enrolments Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12157

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Mobile service is enabled by default on secure server

Fernando Acedo Minor Passed Administration, Web Services Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12156

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can add an IMS LTI activity with membership to the course

Simey Lameze Minor Passed External Tool (IMS-LTI), Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12155

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Teacher can choose and define rubric grading method

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Grading methods, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12154

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can reset the profile for all users

Pankaj Somani Minor Passed Administration, User Profile Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12153

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can add and edit Math equation using ATTO

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12152

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Moodle install via CLI and web

Meir Ifrach Minor Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12151

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Admin can set SMTP server to specify SSL or TLS

Fernando Acedo Minor Passed Administration, Messages Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12150

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Teacher can override roles

Sean Marx Minor Passed Administration, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12149

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Users can create blog post

Tõnis Tartes Minor Passed Blog, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12148

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can manage tags used on the site

Dominique-Alain Jan Minor Passed Manager, Tags Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12147

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a Select missing words question

Ryan Wyllie Minor Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12146

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a Drag and drop into text question

Priya Nagar Minor Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12145

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a Drag and drop onto image question

haim lavi Minor Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12144

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a Drag and drop markers question

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12143

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - YouTube and Flickr blocks on tag page display related content

Victor Déniz Falcón Major Passed Blocks, Tags Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12142

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can specify certain fields in database activity as required

Darwin Gonzalez Minor Passed Database activity module, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12141

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Upgrading a Moodle site from 2.8 retains setting preferences

Fernando Acedo Minor Passed Navigation Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12140

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can view grade information from the user menu

Ziyad Muslat Blocker Passed Grades, Navigation, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12139

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can message another user

Luiggi Sansonetti Blocker Passed Messages, Navigation, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12138

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can view their grades from the user menu.

Ziyad Muslat Blocker Passed Grades, Navigation, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12137

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can go to a user's profile page and view user details

AL Rachels Minor Passed Manager, Navigation Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12136

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Users can navigate and use the preferences page

Alejandro Vásquez Blocker Passed Navigation Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12135

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Section headings can be used in a quiz

Alejandro Vásquez Blocker Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12134

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Set default values for Forum RSS

Sean Marx Minor Passed Forum, RSS Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12133

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Test indenting activities in the Main Menu block works as expected.

Sean Marx Blocker Passed Blocks, Navigation Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12132

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Grade info should only be visible if grade is set in lesson

Gemma Lesterhuis Blocker Passed Grades, Lesson Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12131

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Group/Grouping support in backup

Luiggi Sansonetti Minor Passed Backup, Groups Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12130

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Backup format is default tgz

AL Rachels Minor Passed Backup Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12129

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Course completion backup/restore should retain completion information

Lisa Caines Blocker Passed Backup, Completion (Course and Activities) Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12128

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Site registration works as expected.

Gemma Lesterhuis Minor Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12127

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Groups can be added in the enrol cohort for course

Avi Levy Blocker Passed Cohorts, Enrolments, Groups Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12126

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Override option in lesson works as expected

Mary Cooch Blocker Passed Groups, Lesson Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12125

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Printer-friendly (more compact) layout for quiz

Bente Olsen Minor Passed Quiz Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12124

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can display activity results which are scales in a block

Sean Marx Minor Passed Forum, Glossary, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12123

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Several Cohort sync and Course metalink enrolment methods can be quickly created.

Luiggi Sansonetti Blocker Passed Cohorts, Course, Enrolments Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12122

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A WYSIWYG criterion description can be added when awarding a badge

David Monllaó Blocker Passed Badges, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12121

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Users with appropriate permissions can search the Server files

Bente Olsen Blocker Passed Filepicker, Repositories, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12120

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Grade to Pass can be defined from the activity set up screen.

Alejandro Vásquez Blocker Passed Assignment, Completion (Course and Activities), Grades, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12119

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can restrict access to a lesson by group

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Conditional activities, Groups, Lesson, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12118

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can filter lesson reports and essays by group

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Groups, Lesson, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12117

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can set Require time spent as a completion condition in a Lesson

David Monllaó Blocker Passed Completion (Course and Activities), Lesson, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12116

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can display activity grades in a block

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Assignment, Lesson, Quiz, Teacher, Workshop Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12115

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can set a quiz question to be dependent on a previous one

Eric Yullu Blocker Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12114

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Images can be dragged and dropped into the Atto editor

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor, Teacher, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12113

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can use grade letters to represent a range of grades

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12112

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can copy and paste grades from a spreadsheet into the gradebook

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12111

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can insert grades in bulk into the gradebook

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12110

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can view and edit the grades for one particular student

Ziyad Muslat Minor Passed Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12109

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can receive notification of an event they subscribed to

Elizabeth Dalton Minor Passed Events Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12108

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can add additional files for use in an assignment

haim lavi Minor Passed Assignment, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12107

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Per-discussion subscriptions are maintained after backup and restore

Jean-Marc Doucet Minor Passed Forum, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12106

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can use a single-item scale for rating

Sean Marx Minor Passed Forum, Ratings, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12105

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can arrange courses into categories

Luiggi Sansonetti Minor Passed Administration, Course Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12104

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - XHProf can be used for profiling

Carlos Escobedo Minor Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12103

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can reset their Dashboard back to its default settings

Sean Marx Minor Passed My home, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12102

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Self enrolment can be restricted to cohort members

Sean Marx Minor Passed Cohorts, Enrolments, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12101

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can easily move from one forum discussion to another

Bente Olsen Minor Passed Forum, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12100

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can create cohorts and upload users into them with a csv file

Luiggi Sansonetti Minor Passed Administration, Cohorts Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12099

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A category manager can create cohorts with a csv file

Luiggi Sansonetti Minor Passed Administration, Cohorts, Manager Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12098

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can bulk create cohorts with a csv file

Luiggi Sansonetti Minor Passed Administration, Cohorts Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12097

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Per-discussion subscriptions in optional subscription mode are maintained when threads are moved

Alejandro Vásquez Minor Passed Forum, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12096

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can choose which forum discussions to subscribe to

Dominique-Alain Jan Minor Passed Forum, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12095

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Atto editor automatically saves text

AL Rachels Minor Passed HTML Editor, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12094

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can add equations using an equation editor

Sean Marx Minor Passed Filters, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12093

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Logs may be stored in an external database

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Minor Passed Logging Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12092

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can delete a course badge once awarded.

Stephen Bourget Minor Passed Badges, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12091

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can restrict course sections to specified groups using 'or' conditions

Stephen Bourget Minor Passed Conditional activities, Groups, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12090

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can choose how a restricted activity is displayed.

Sean Marx Minor Passed Completion (Course and Activities), Conditional activities, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12089

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can set restrictions based on user profile fields

Sean Marx Minor Passed Conditional activities, Student, Teacher, User Profile Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12088

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can add nested 'Or' conditions for accessing a resource

Stephen Bourget Minor Passed Conditional activities, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12087

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can double-click to edit an image in ATTO

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor, Repositories, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12086

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can add images and media using Atto

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor, Repositories, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12085

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can add and edit text using ATTO

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12084

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can choose a text editor from their Preferences page.

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12083

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can specify the number of icon groups visible when the ATTO toolbar is collapsed.

Sean Marx Minor Passed HTML Editor Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12082

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can log in with their username or their email

Sean Marx Minor Passed Authentication, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12081

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can view badges of other users in their course profiles.

Stephen Bourget Minor Passed Badges, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12080

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can enable and customise the More theme.

AL Rachels Minor Passed Themes Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12079

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can upload a student's submission if allowed.

Pankaj Somani Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12078

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can edit a student's submission if allowed.

Pankaj Somani Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12077

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can delete a student's submission if allowed

AL Rachels Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12076

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can comment inline on an online text assignment

AL Rachels Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12075

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can display additional names for users

Pankaj Somani Minor Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12074

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can delete multiple entries from a database

Darwin Gonzalez Critical Passed Database activity module, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12073

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A new user added manually receives email notification

Sean Marx Minor Passed Administration, Authentication, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12072

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can suspend a user's course enrolment via csv

Sean Marx Major Passed Administration, Enrolments Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12071

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can bulk create and delete courses via csv

Alejandro Vásquez Major Passed Administration, Course Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12070

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can select the size of user picture to be displayed during a Quiz.

Dag Klimas Major Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12069

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can retrieve files from MS OneDrive

Mary Cooch Minor Passed Repositories, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12068

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A manager can create, export and import a role

Helen Foster Trivial Passed Manager, Roles / Access Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12067

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can filter display of grading screen for allocated markers and workflow state

Michael Hawkins Major Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12066

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can bulk change the marking workflow states

Alejandro Vásquez Major Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12065

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can set assignment setting defaults

Avi Levy Major Passed Assignment, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12064

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can easily reset their password

Sean Marx Minor Passed Authentication, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12063

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can use marking workflow to control release of grades to students

Alejandro Vásquez Major Passed Assignment, Grades, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12062

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can allocate markers to individual students in an assignment

Ziyad Muslat Critical Passed Assignment, Grades, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12061

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An administrator can upload a stamp to use with the Annotate pdf Feedback plugin

AL Rachels Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12060

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can select the single activity course format

Sean Marx Critical Passed Course, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12059

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can provide assignment feedback by annotating a PDF

Bente Olsen Minor Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12058

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Upgrade test using a big data set

Elizabeth Dalton Trivial Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12057

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A site administrator can install a plugin by uploading a ZIP file

Luiggi Sansonetti Trivial Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12056

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A site administrator can install a plugin from the Moodle plugins directory

Luiggi Sansonetti Trivial Passed Administration Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12055

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - The word count can be displayed in forum posts

Sean Marx Major Passed Forum, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12054

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can add a badge earned on Moodle to their Openbadges backpack

Gemma Lesterhuis Trivial Passed Badges, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12053

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can download a badge earned on Moodle

Sean Marx Trivial Passed Badges, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12052

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can display an Open Badges collection in their Moodle profile

Gemma Lesterhuis Trivial Passed Badges, User Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12051

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Workshop displays "Save and Show next button" for reviewers

AL Rachels Critical Passed Student, Teacher, Workshop Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12050

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Random glossary block entries display in alphabetical order

AL Rachels Critical Passed Blocks, Glossary, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12049

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can add an image or other file to a course summary

Sean Marx Critical Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12048

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can drag and drop an image onto a course page

AL Rachels Minor Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12047

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can drag and drop text to form a label or page

AL Rachels Minor Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12046

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - "One section per page" setting includes a "Jump to" menu

Sean Marx Critical Passed Completion (Course and Activities), Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12045

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can set a database activity URL to link automatically and open in a new window

Alejandro Vásquez Major Passed Database activity module, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12044

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can obtain an interactions report for SCORM activity attempts

Sean Marx Minor Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12043

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can obtain a graph report of attempts for a multi-sco SCORM package

Dominique-Alain Jan Minor Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12042

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can obtain a graph report of attempts for a single sco SCORM package

Jean-Marc Doucet Minor Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12041

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can override updated Moodle grades when uploading an offline grading worksheet

Kevin Wiliarty Trivial Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12040

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can download, edit and upload an offline grading worksheet

Kevin Wiliarty Trivial Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12039

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A course reverts to the default format if the course format is deleted

Janelle Barcega Trivial Passed Course Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12038

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can define the order in which course formats appear in the course settings

Luiggi Sansonetti Major Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12037

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can choose which course formats to make available in courses

Luiggi Sansonetti Critical Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12036

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can see an advanced grading form as part of their Submission status details

Alejandro Vásquez Major Passed Assignment, Grading methods, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12035

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher in a course can show one section per page or all sections on one page

s.kavita Blocker Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12034

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - An admin can import site events into the calendar

Sean Marx Critical Passed Calendar Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12033

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can import course and group events into the calendar

Stephen Bourget Critical Passed Calendar, Groups, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12032

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can hide and reveal activities in a course

AL Rachels Blocker Passed Course, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12031

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can hide and reveal sections in a course

AL Rachels Blocker Passed Course, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12030

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can enable blind marking for an assignment

German Valero Critical Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12029

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can set a cut off date for an assignment

Alejandro Vásquez Blocker Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12028

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can allocate group or individual feedback to students submitting a group assignment

Alejandro Vásquez Critical Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12027

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can allocate group or individual grade to students submitting a group assignment

Alejandro Vásquez Blocker Passed Assignment, Grades, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12026

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can submit or edit a group assignment with "Require all members to submit" disabled

Alejandro Vásquez Critical Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12025

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A student can submit or edit a group assignment with "Require all members to submit" enabled

Bente Olsen Critical Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12024

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can import a calendar via file

Bernd Martin Critical Passed Calendar, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12023

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A user can import a calendar via URL

Bernd Martin Critical Passed Calendar, Student Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12022

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - A teacher can choose whether to require students to accept an assignment submission statement.

Ziyad Muslat Blocker Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 3.5
Functional Test MDLQA-12021

MDLQA-11698 CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on MySQL with Apache

AL Rachels Trivial Passed