Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Created Updated Components Affects Version/s Development Integrator Resolved
Functional Test MDLQA-5722

MDLQA-5267 A site administrator can install an add-on from the Moodle plugins directory

Mary Evans   Passed Administration Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5721

MDLQA-5267 A site administrator can install an add-on by uploading a ZIP file

Mary Evans   Passed Administration Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5716

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can import groupings as well as groups into a course

Alan Hald   Passed Course, Groups, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5715

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - The word count can be displayed in forum posts

Leah Hemeon   Passed Forum, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5714

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add a badge earned on Moodle to their Openbadges backpack

Ankit Agarwal   Passed Badges, User Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5713

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can download a badge earned on Moodle

Sam Stegers   Passed Badges, User Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5712

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can display an Open Badges collection in their Moodle profile

Sam Stegers   Passed Badges, User Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5711

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A badge can be awarded based on course completion

Sam Stegers   Passed Badges, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5710

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A badge can be awarded based on activity completion.

Sam Stegers   Passed Badges, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5709

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Workshop displays "Save and Show next button" for reviewers

AL Rachels   Passed Student, Teacher, Workshop Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5708

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can add and allocate a course badge

Leah Hemeon   Passed Badges, Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5707

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can award a site badge

Karl Goddard   Passed Badges, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5706

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Random glossary block entries display in alphabetical order

David Monllaó   Passed Blocks, Glossary, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5705

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can add an image or other file to a course summary

Leah Hemeon   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5704

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can drag and drop an image onto a course page

Nicolas Martignoni   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5703

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can drag and drop text to form a label or page

Andrea Bicciolo   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5702

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can set a folder to display contents inline

Andrea Bicciolo   Passed Folder, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5701

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - "One section per page" setting includes a "Jump to" menu

Andrea Bicciolo   Passed Completion (Course and Activities), Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5700

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can set a database activity URL to link automatically and open in a new window

AL Rachels   Passed Database activity module, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5699

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can obtain an interactions report for SCORM activity attempts

AL Rachels   Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5698

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can obtain a graph report of attempts for a multi-sco SCORM package

Prateek Sachan   Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5697

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can obtain a graph report of attempts for a single sco SCORM package

AL Rachels   Passed SCORM, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5696

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can override updated Moodle grades when uploading an offline grading worksheet

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5695

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can download, edit and upload an offline grading worksheet

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Assignment, Grades, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5694

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A course reverts to the default format if the course format is deleted

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5693

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can define the order in which course formats appear in the course settings

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5692

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can choose which course formats to make available in courses

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5691

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A student can see an advanced grading form as part of their Submission status details

Lynn Hadfield   Passed Assignment, Grading methods, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5690

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - The recent activity block lists course activity

Leah Hemeon   Passed Blocks, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5689

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can control which blocks can be added to My Moodle pages

Andrea Bicciolo   Passed Blocks, My home Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5688

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher in a course can show one section per page or all sections on one page

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5687

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can import global events into the calendar

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Calendar Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5686

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can import course and group events into the calendar

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Calendar, Groups, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5685

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can hide and reveal activities in a course

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5684

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can hide and reveal sections in a course

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5683

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can enable blind marking for an assignment

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5682

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can set a cut off date for an assignment

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5681

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can grant an extension to a student for an assignment

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5680

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can allocate group or individual feedback to students submitting a group assignment

Farhan Karmali   Passed Assignment, Feedback, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5679

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can allocate group or individual grade to students submitting a group assignment

Graham Stone   Passed Assignment, Grades, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5678

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A student can submit or edit a group assignment with "Require all members to submit" disabled

Farhan Karmali   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5677

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A student can submit or edit a group assignment with "Require all members to submit" enabled

Farhan Karmali   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5676

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can import a calendar via file

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Calendar, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5675

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can import a calendar via URL

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Calendar, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5674

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin user can make available a student assignment submission statement

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Assignment, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5673

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can choose whether to require students to accept an assignment submission statement.

Iain Gray   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5672

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on MySQL with Apache

AL Rachels   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5671

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on PostgreSQL with Apache

Adrian Greeve   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5670

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on Oracle with Apache

Dan Poltawski   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5669

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Upgrade test from previous version of Moodle on IIS with MSSQL

Michael de Raadt   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5668

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - RTL site smoke test

Andrew Davis   Passed Language Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5667

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Edit a marking guide and replace an existing criterion

AL Rachels   Passed Assignment, Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5666

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Edit a marking guide and do not mark for regrade.

AL Rachels   Passed Assignment, Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5665

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Edit a marking guide and mark for regrade

AL Rachels   Passed Assignment, Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5664

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A student cannot export forum posts with a file attachment to Google docs

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Forum, Portfolio, Student Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5663

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Run PHPUnit tests on PostgreSQL

David Monllaó   Passed Unit tests Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5662

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Run PHPUnit tests on MySQL

David Monllaó   Passed Unit tests Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5661

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Run PHPUnit tests on Oracle

David Monllaó   Passed Unit tests Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5660

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Run PHPUnit tests on MSSQL

David Monllaó   Passed Unit tests Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5659

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Changing assignment marking maximums

AL Rachels   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5658

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Removing marking guides

Lynn Hadfield   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5657

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore activity with files references: Restoring after source files are updated

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5656

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore activity with files references: Restoring after source files are deleted

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5655

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore activity with files references: Restoring as a second user

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5654

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore activity with files references: Restoring into another course

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5653

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore activity with files references: Recovering activities in the same course

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5652

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore activity with files references: Duplicating activities in the same course

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup Moodle 2.3
Functional Test MDLQA-5651

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Marking guide grade scaling

AL Rachels   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5650

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and weekly course format, activity chooser works as expected in IE9

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5649

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and weekly course format, activity chooser works as expected in Safari

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5648

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and weekly course format, activity chooser works as expected in Firefox

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5647

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and weekly course format, activity chooser works as expected in Chrome

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5646

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and topics course format, activity chooser works as expected in IE9

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5645

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and topics course format, activity chooser works as expected in Safari

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5644

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and topics course format, activity chooser works as expected in Firefox

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5643

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Incomplete marking guides

AL Rachels   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5642

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Detailed grading with the marking guide

AL Rachels   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5641

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Display of marking guide information to students

AL Rachels   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5640

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can generate one IMS-CP package of a book

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book, IMS resource type Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5639

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can import book contents from a zip file containing multiple html pages

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5638

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can get a printable html version of the book

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5637

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can duplicate one book resource

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5636

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can backup and restore book information

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Backup, Book, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5635

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An admin can generate and view all the book log entries

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5634

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can handle images both in resource description and chapter contents

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5633

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can show and hide book chapters and subchapters

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5632

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can reorganize book chapters and subchapters

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5631

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create book chapters and subchapters

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5630

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Importing groups with an ID number without permissions

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5629

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Importing groups with an ID number with permissions

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5628

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup/Restore of groups without ID number permission

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5627

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup/Restore of groups with ID number permission

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5626

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Updating groups with ID number permission

Séverin Terrier   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5625

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Updating groups without ID number permission

Séverin Terrier   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5624

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Creation of groups without ID number permission

Séverin Terrier   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5623

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Deletion of groups using group ID numbers without permission

Séverin Terrier   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5622

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Deletion of groups using group ID numbers

Séverin Terrier   Passed Groups Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5621

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with multiple resources and activities can be moved using drag and drop in Safari.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5620

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with multiple resources and activities can be moved using drag and drop in Google Chrome.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5619

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with multiple resources and activities can be moved using drag and drop in Firefox.

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5618

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with multiple resources and activities can be moved using drag and drop in IE9.

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5617

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with multiple resources and activities can be moved using drag and drop in IE8.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5616

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with a folder resource can be moved using drag and drop in Safari.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5615

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with a folder resource can be moved using drag and drop in Google Chrome.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5614

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with a folder resource can be moved using drag and drop in Firefox.

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5613

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with a folder resource can be moved using drag and drop in IE9.

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5612

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with a folder resource can be moved using drag and drop in IE8.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5611

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with no activities or resources can be moved using drag and drop in Safari.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5610

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with no activities or resources can be moved using drag and drop in Google Chrome.

Nikunj Thakkar   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5609

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with no activities or resources can be moved using drag and drop in Firefox.

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5608

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with no activities or resources can be moved using drag and drop in IE9.

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5607

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A highlighted section with no activities or resources can be moved using drag and drop in IE8.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5606

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Listing and grading submissions

AL Rachels   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5605

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create one book and adjust various settings

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Book Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5604

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - With Javascript enabled and topics course format, activity chooser works as expected in Chrome

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5603

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Changing a marking guide back to a draft

Kevin Wiliarty   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5602

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Dealing with marking guide maximum grade mismatches

Kevin Wiliarty   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5601

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Setting a marking guide as ready

Kevin Wiliarty   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5600

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from Alfresco

Mark Nelson   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5599

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from

AL Rachels   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5598

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from Flickr Public

AL Rachels   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5597

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from Flickr

AL Rachels   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5596

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from Dropbox

AL Rachels   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5595

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can restrict the time period in which students can view a section

AL Rachels   Passed Conditional activities, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5594

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When adding files to a rich html editor from wikimedia, the user can create a link

Iain Gray   Passed Filepicker, Repositories Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5593

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can set grade conditions to restrict availability of a section

Jaswinder Singh   Passed Conditional activities, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5592

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Deleting a marking guide

Kevin Wiliarty   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5591

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Creating a marking guide from a template

Kevin Wiliarty   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5590

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In an assignment with a limit of two files, Drag and Drop allows one file to be added below the boundary

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Assignment, Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5589

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In an assignment with a limit of two files, Drag and Drop allows two files to be added on the boundary

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Assignment, Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5588

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In an assignment with a limit of two files, Drag and Drop respects the boundary

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Assignment, Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5587

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Files can be uploaded to a Database activity with 2 file fields and 2 folder fields

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5586

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Moodle handles uploading non-picture files into a picture field in a Database activity.

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Database activity module, Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5585

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - The default system licence is respected by file picker.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5584

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A file can be picked from private files for a folder resource and a shortcut can be made.

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5583

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A file can be picked from private files for a folder resource and a copy can be made.

Ivana Bosnic   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5582

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In my private files the 'Download all button' Downloads all files as an archive.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5581

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a folder resource, multiple files can be dragged and dropped onto the file manager.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5580

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In My private files, multiple files can be dragged and dropped onto the file manager.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5579

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a folder resource, the creation of folders can be cancelled by clicking X on the dialog.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5578

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Modules are prevented from appearing on 'Add...' dropdowns

Jaswinder Singh   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5577

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In my private files, the creation of folders can be cancelled by clicking X on the dialog.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5576

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a folder resource, folders can be created into the file manager area and files can be dragged into the area to upload them.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5575

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In My private files, folders can be created into the file manager area and files can be dragged into the area to upload them.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5574

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Choose and define a marking guide

Kevin Wiliarty   Passed Grading methods Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5573

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can drag and drop a file into the course page using Chrome

Stephen Bourget   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5572

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can drag and drop a file into the course page using Firefox

Stephen Bourget   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5571

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a folder resource, the user can close out of the file picker by clicking X, effectively cancelling the upload.

Iain Gray   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5570

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In My private files, the user can close out of the file picker by clicking X, effectively cancelling the upload.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5569

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Files are not upload to a folder resource when the user cancels.

Iain Gray   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5568

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Files are not upload to My private files when the user cancels.

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5567

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Files can be uploaded to A folder resource and their details can be changed.

Iain Gray   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5566

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Files can be uploaded to My private file and their details can be changed.

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5565

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Picker behaves as expected in Safari.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5564

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Picker behaves as expected in Chrome.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5563

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Picker behaves as expected in Firefox.

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5562

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Picker behaves as expected in Internet Explorer 9.

Iain Gray Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5561

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Picker behaves as expected in Internet Explorer 8.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5560

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Manager form elements behave as expected in Safari.

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5559

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - File manager form elements behave as expected in Chrome

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5558

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - File manager form elements behave as expected in Firefox

Stephen Bourget Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5557

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Manager form elements behave as expected in Internet Explorer 9.

Iain Gray Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5556

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - User interface, File Manager form elements behave as expected in Internet Explorer 8.

Séverin Terrier Blocker Passed Filepicker Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5555

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Drag and drop can be used to upload a user profile picture

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Filepicker, User Profile Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5554

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - File picker can be used to upload a user profile picture.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Filepicker, User Profile Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5553

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Drag and drop can be used to import questions into a lesson.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Lesson Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5552

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - File picker can be used to import questions into a lesson.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Lesson Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5551

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Drag and drop can be used to add a Pop-up to file or web page in a lesson.

Iain Gray   Passed Filepicker, Lesson, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5550

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - File picker can be used to add a Pop-up to file or web page in a lesson.

Jaswinder Singh   Passed Filepicker, Lesson, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5549

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A file can be added to a folder resource at creation using Drag and Drop.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Folder, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5548

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A file can be added to a folder resource at creation using File Picker.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Folder, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5547

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a folder resource a file can be added to the folder after creation using Drag and Drop.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Folder, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5546

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a folder resource a file can be added to the folder after creation using File Picker.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Folder, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5545

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a Wiki activity a file can be attached using drag and drop.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Student, Teacher, Wiki Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5544

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a Wiki activity a file can be attached using file picker.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Student, Teacher, Wiki Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5543

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a Glossary activity a file can be attached to an entry using drag and drop.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Glossary, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5542

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a Glossary activity a file can be attached to an entry using file picker.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Glossary, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5541

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a Forum activity Drag and drop can be used to upload a file to a forum post.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Forum, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5540

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a Forum activity File picker can be used to upload a file to a forum post.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Filepicker, Forum, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5539

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a database activity File Picker can be used to upload a picture into a picture field.

Stephen Bourget   Passed Database activity module, Filepicker, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5538

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In a database activity File Picker can be used to upload a file into a file field.

Mark Nelson   Passed Database activity module, Filepicker, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5537

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In assignments with file uploading enabled the Student can upload files using drag and drop

Graham Stone   Passed Assignment, Filepicker, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5536

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In assignments with file uploading enabled the Student can use File Picker to upload files

Sakshi Goel   Passed Assignment, Filepicker, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5535

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - The delete activity/resource icon works correctly

Iain Gray   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5534

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Moodle can display the file type and size for PDF file resources.

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5529

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Smartphone users can use the Moodle Mobile app to download files

AL Rachels   Passed Mobile Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5528

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - The context of a block can always be returned to its original state.

Séverin Terrier   Passed Blocks Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5527

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Block settings can be modified so that a block appears on any page

Mónico Briseño Cortés   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5526

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Block settings can be modified so that a block can be hidden or moved

Mónico Briseño Cortés   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5525

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Google Chrome activities and resources can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Leah Hemeon   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5524

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Safari activities and resources can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5523

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Firefox activities and resources can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5522

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Internet Explorer 9 activities and resources can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5521

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Internet Explorer 8 activities and resources can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5520

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Google Chrome Sections can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Leah Hemeon   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5519

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Safari sections can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5518

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Firefox sections can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5517

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Internet Explorer 9 sections can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Iain Gray   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5516

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Internet Explorer 8 sections can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Séverin Terrier   Passed Course, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5515

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Safari, blocks can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Séverin Terrier   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5514

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Google Chrome, blocks can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Leah Hemeon   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5513

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Firefox, blocks can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5512

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Internet Explorer 9, blocks can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Iain Gray   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5511

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In Internet Explorer 8, blocks can be dragged to new, permanent positions

Séverin Terrier   Passed Blocks, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5510

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Backup and restore: External files

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Backup, Repositories Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5509

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Pick a file reference from private files repo

Sakshi Goel   Passed Repositories Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5508

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can force students to answer questions in order

Sandareka Wickramanayake   Passed Questions, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5507

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can efficiently reorder a large quiz

Sandareka Wickramanayake   Passed Questions, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5506

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can add multiple questions to a quiz and re-paginate a quiz

Sandareka Wickramanayake   Passed Questions, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5505

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can delete empty pages from a quiz

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Questions, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5504

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can set questions to appear randomly in a quiz

Sandareka Wickramanayake   Passed Questions, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5503

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can add questions to a quiz

Sandareka Wickramanayake   Passed Questions, Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5502

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a date is set but no time is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete attempt when the date expires after the quiz CRON has run. When the grace period expires, with no submission the attempt is set to "Never submitted".

AL Rachels   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5501

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time is set but no date is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete quiz. After the quiz CRON runs. When the grace period expires, if the student has still not submitted the attempt, it is set to "Never submitted".

AL Rachels   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5500

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a date is set and a time is set, the student will be give a grace period when the date expires before the time. After the quiz CRON has run, if the student has still not submitted the attempt, it is set to "Never submitted".

AL Rachels   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5499

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a date is set but no time is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete quiz when the date expires. When the grace period expires, it the student has still not submitted the attempt, it is "Never submitted".

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5498

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time is set but no date is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete quiz attempt when time expires. If the student still does not submit the attempt then when the grace period expires the attempt is "Never submitted".

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5497

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time and date are set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete quiz attempt when time expires. If the student still does not submit the attempt then when the grace period expires the attempt is "Never submitted".

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5496

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time is set but no date is set, the student will be allowed extra time to submit when time expires during an attempt. When the grace period expires, if the student has still not submitted the attempt, it is "Never submitted".

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5495

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time and a date are set, the student will be allowed extra time to submit when time expires during an attempt. When the grace period expires, if the student has still not submitted the attempt, it is "Never submitted".

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5494

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a date is set but no time is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete quiz attempt when the date expires after the quiz CRON has run.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5493

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time is set but no date is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete attempt when time expires after the quiz CRON runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5492

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a date is set and a time is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete attempt when the date expires before the time, after the quiz CRON has run.

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5491

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a date is set but no time is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete attempt when the date expires.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5490

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time is set but no date is set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete attempt when time expires.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5489

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time and date are set, the student will be able to submit an incomplete attempt when time expires.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5488

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When a time is set but no date is set, the student will be allowed extra time to submit when time expires during an attempt

David Monllaó   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5487

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time and a date are set, the student will be allowed extra time to submit when time expires during an attempt.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5486

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Students can navigate around a quiz attempt

Jaswinder Singh   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5485

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - In quizzes with an enforced delay, the delay is measured from the previous attempt start time

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5484

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When the close date expires before the time limit, the quiz will be automatically abandoned when the quiz cron runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5483

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When the close date expires before the time limit, the quiz will be automatically abandoned when the student accesses quiz

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5482

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires and there is no close date, the quiz will be automatically abandoned when the quiz cron runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5481

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires where there is no close date, the quiz will be automatically abandoned when the student accesses quiz

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5480

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires before the close date, the quiz will be automatically abandoned when the quiz cron runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5479

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires before the close date, the quiz will be automatically abandoned when the student accesses quiz

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5478

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When the close date expires before the time limit, the quiz will be submitted automatically when the quiz cron runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5477

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When the close date expires before the time limit, the quiz will be submitted automatically when the student accesses quiz

David Monllaó   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5476

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires and there is no close date, the quiz will be submitted automatically when the quiz cron runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5475

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires where there is no close date, the quiz will be submitted automatically when the student accesses quiz

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5474

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires before the close date, the quiz will be submitted automatically when the quiz cron runs.

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5473

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - When time expires before the close date, the quiz will be submitted automatically when the student accesses quiz

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Quiz, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5472

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can enable submission comments when online text is enabled

Jayesh Anandani   Passed Assignment, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5471

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - This version upgrades without errors from the previous version

Javier Sola Aréchaga   Passed   Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5470

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from Wikimedia

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5469

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add photos from Picasa

Iain Gray   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5468

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add files from Google Docs

Iain Gray   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5467

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can add YouTube videos

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5466

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user has a private files area

Nikunj Thakkar   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5465

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user with appropriate permissions can access files on the server

Iain Gray   Passed Repositories, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5464

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A user can quickly locate files uploaded previously

Iain Gray   Passed Repositories, Student Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5463

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - The cron can be manually run from a web browser

Leah Hemeon   Passed   Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5462

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a numerical question with required units

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5461

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a numerical question with optional units

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5460

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a numerical question

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5459

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a multiple choice question with multiple answers

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5458

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a multiple choice question

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5457

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a true-false question

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5456

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a short-answer question

Jasmin Klindzic   Passed Questions, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5455

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can edit a rubric used previously

AL Rachels   Passed Assignment, Grading methods, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5454

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can import an IMS Common Cartridge package

AL Rachels   Passed IMS Common Cartridge, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5453

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - An assignment can be graded using rubric

AL Rachels   Passed Assignment, Grading methods, Student, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5452

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - A teacher can reuse their rubric in another activity

AL Rachels   Passed Assignment, Grading methods, Teacher Moodle 2.5
Functional Test MDLQA-5451

MDLQA-5267 CLONE - Rubrics can be shared as templates

AL Rachels   Passed