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- MDL-64966
scorm multi sco 2004 : a technical error message in a popup - MDL-61740
Incorrect conversion of scorm_seq_rolluprulecond during scorm import - MDL-61355
SCORM 1.3: 'long-fill-in' and 'performance' interaction type correct_response fails if prefix not used - MDL-52653
SCORM 2004 attempts not incremented - MDL-52646
SCORM 1.3 cmi.launch_data incorrect - MDL-49479
adl.nav.request.continue lead to error 104 at next sco initialization - MDL-49054
Remove SCORM 2004 debugging code - MDL-48879
Arguments to scorm_seq_termination reversed - MDL-47902
Inappropriate default values for SCORM 1.3 variables - MDL-46908
Bad typeof test in mod/scorm/module.js - MDL-44578
Creating default object from empty value warning in scorm - MDL-39997
Script error during SCORM 3rd Edition package - MDL-38131
Script error during SCORM 2004 3rd Edition package - MDL-37372
mod/scorm/datamodels/scormlib.php - $objectivesdata : undefined variable (probably a spelling issue) - MDL-37189
"cmi.mode" is not set to "browse" when user enters sco in "Preview" mode - MDL-37091
cmi.location set to "0" gets lost when resuming - MDL-36722
SCORM datamodel CMIDecimal and CMIShortIdentifier are too restrictive - MDL-36337
Interactions report broken for SCORM 2004 - MDL-35523
Response Report for all the Quiz - MDL-35418
Merge GSOC SCORM work - MDL-35363
cmi.mode is not set to "review" when apparently in review mode. - MDL-30666
All CMI Elements in a Data Model Element Collection are not loaded/initialized on cmi.entry - 'resume' - MDL-30645
Default value of some CMI elements is not computed correctly. - MDL-30579
Data Model Elements are being initialized with an empty string - MDL-30578
CMILongIdentifier and CMIIdentifier are not checked for valid URI (RFC 3986 [6]) and URN syntax - MDL-30577
cmi.credit and cmi.mode are not evaluated correctly - MDL-30576
completionThreshold not saved in the database and minProgressMeasure should have a default value. - MDL-28937
ADL TEST CM-01 fails due to navigation test - MDL-28933
inconsistent checking of SCORM version - MDL-28927
ADL TEST: T-01b - MDL-28926
ADL TEST: T-01a - MDL-28925
ADL TEST: SX-12c - MDL-28924
ADL TEST: SX-12b - MDL-28923
ADL TEST: SX-12a - MDL-28922
ADL TEST: SX-11c - MDL-28921
ADL TEST: SX-11b - MDL-28920
ADL TEST: SX-11a - MDL-28919
ADL TEST: SX-10d - MDL-28918
ADL TEST: SX-10c - MDL-28917
ADL TEST: SX-10b - MDL-28916
ADL TEST: SX-10a - MDL-28915
ADL TEST: SX-09 - MDL-28914
ADL TEST: SX-08b - MDL-28913
ADL TEST: SX-08a - MDL-28912
ADL TEST: SX-07e - MDL-28911
ADL TEST: SX-07d - MDL-28910
ADL TEST: SX-07c - MDL-28909
ADL TEST: SX-07b - MDL-28908
ADL TEST: SX-07a - MDL-28907
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