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Implement expiry of draft filesMDL-23202
convert group icons to file storage poolMDL-23201
convert user icons to file storage poolMDL-22586
Implement stickiness on file picker for repository selectionMDL-22583
When displaying a file tree in browse mode, ignore empty foldersMDL-22582
Implement core renderer to display a read-only fileareaMDL-22574
Convert all "import" pages to use filepickerMDL-22548
the filemanager element MUST support the main file selection natively in ajax UIMDL-22547
add course->legacyfiles which disables old course files in new coursesMDL-22214
How should we support course-wide or site-wide files created by modules?MDL-21146
Every file should have a license typeMDL-20635
Clean up files associated with a context when the context is deletedMDL-20601
File storage conversion of coreMDL-20470
Formslib element: urlMDL-19844
File storage conversion of HTML blockMDL-19500
improve embedding of texteditorsMDL-19352
reimplement maintenance modeMDL-19002
implement embedded and attachment file storage limits in file api and related codeMDL-18754
Suggested file API function name improvementsMDL-18234
file storage methods to move files out from storageMDL-18111
File API code is incomprehensible without commentsMDL-17316
Formslib element: filepicker (non-JS)MDL-17145
When a backup completes, send users to the backup file areaMDL-16698
Formslib element: editorMDL-16697
Formslib element: filepicker (JS)MDL-16696
Formslib element: fileMDL-16692
Formslib element: htmleditorMDL-16597
Formslib element: filemanager (JS)MDL-16596
Formslib element: filemanager (non-JS)MDL-16525
Document the File API on Moodle DocsMDL-16493
File storage conversion DatabaseMDL-16394
user profile embedded files browsing and serving supportMDL-16374
support for module file browsingMDL-16368
file_rewrite_urls undefined in setupMDL-16231
Implement file storage cleanup in cronMDL-16223
pass mform to xxx_add_instance() and xxx_update_instance()MDL-16222
rafactor modedit inrastructure to allow access to context from xx_add_instance() module methodsMDL-16220
allow deleting of all files attached to contextMDL-16095
File storage conversion WikiMDL-16094
File storage conversion Quiz and QuestionsMDL-16093
File storage conversion LessonMDL-16092
File storage conversion LabelMDL-16090
File storage conversion FeedbackMDL-16089
File storage conversion ResourceMDL-16088
File storage conversion SCORMMDL-16075
File storage conversion GlossaryMDL-16072
File storage conversion ForumMDL-15920
general zipping supportMDL-15919
general unzipping supportMDL-15907
Limited access to backup files
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