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- MDL-35583
RTL fixes to theme/canvas (and theme/magazine) - MDL-35578
Left justify LTR Form input fields (email, idnumber, url, phone...), when in RTL mode - MDL-35576
Right padding is missing on Date field/element, when in RTL mode (minor fix) - MDL-35571
RTL fixes to theme/magazine - MDL-35566
Always, left align "Version" and "Folder" fields,in RTL and LTR modes. (Check available updates page) - MDL-35564
Several RTL UI fixes for Course Overview block, in RTL mode - MDL-35563
Description field in all system setting pages should have "right margin" set properly, in RTL mode - MDL-35537
Right align registration text on login page, when in RTL mode - MDL-35527
Left justify CLOSE button on modal dialog boxes, when in RTL mode - MDL-35512
Two left pointing arrows appear after clicking "left indent activity/resource" arrow, when in RTL mode - MDL-35510
Right align course & category names (theme/mymobile) when in RTL mode - MDL-35481
Invert "search option" listbox "open" arrow, when in RTL mode (page: manual user course registration ) - MDL-35275
Left align INPUT boxes and TEXT boxes during Install process, when in RTL mode - MDL-35250
Right align all TABs in all TinyMCE dialogs, when in RTL mode - MDL-35249
Grading popup menu, in Assignment grading page, should open up to the left, when in RTL mode - MDL-35246
Invert all action arrows in Question Bank categories management, when in RTL mode - MDL-35215
Help popups misaligned for right-to-left languages - MDL-35202
Unable to set a new grade or update old grade when using the new Assignment type (Assign) while in Hebrew UI
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