Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- MDL-39467
Do not use inline function in lib/coursecatlib.php - MDL-39464
Make changes to MyMobile themes for the new course listings - MDL-39462
Coursecat cache is not cleared when course is hidden - MDL-39318
Hover highlighting for courses extends onto paging - MDL-39305
Course listings minor bugs - MDL-39287
New Course info styles issue - MDL-39145
Add text to upgrade.txt about deprecated print functions from /course/lib.php - MDL-39065
Categories drop down menu in course mangement page does not list categories - MDL-38773
Purge course list caches on restore operations - MDL-38708
Add images or other files to the course to show in courses list - MDL-38661
Add AJAX and expansion of categories - MDL-38596
Create function to preload course contacts for the group of courses - MDL-38595
Add special CSS class to the coursebox when user can access the course - MDL-38594
Make changes to core themes for the new course listings - MDL-38593
Merge code from /course/category.php into /course/index.php - MDL-38592
Make settings for front page course listings more user friendly - MDL-38406
Separate categories view and edit page - alter CSS - MDL-38304
Separate courses search result view and edit modes - MDL-38147
Create class coursecat for managing and displaying course categories - MDL-37572
Separate categories view and edit pages - MDL-37544
Conditional access restriction information are not displayed below the activity - MDL-37207
Add modchooser toggle navigation item in renderer - MDL-37193
Move function print_category_info() to the course renderer - MDL-37085
Use renderer to display course section contents (print_section()) - MDL-37009
Output course listings throughout the site using renderer - MDL-36968
Move function print_recent_activity() to the block recent_activity - MDL-36967
deprecate function print_overview()
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