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- MDL-39051
Automate MDLQAs - Course controls works as expected - MDL-38811
Automate MDLQA-1564 - A teacher can indent items on the course page - MDL-38625
Automate MDLQAs - Navigation works correctly for weekly format in paged mode, when ajax is turned on. - MDL-38624
Automate MDLQAs - Navigation works correctly for topic format in paged mode, when ajax is turned on. - MDL-38623
Automate MDLQA-1639 - When Ajax is turned off, navigation works correctly for weekly format in paged mode. - MDL-38622
Automate MDLQAs - Navigation works correctly in paged mode. - MDL-38549
Automate MDLQAs - group mode icons toggle group mode correctly - MDL-38548
Automate MDLQAs - the show/hide activity/resource icon functions correctly - MDL-38547
Automate MDLQAs - Group mode icons are set to the correct state when group mode is forced - MDL-38499
Automate MDLQAs - The show/hide section icon functions correctly - MDL-38486
Automate MDLQAs - Section highlighting can be turned on/off correctly using the toggle highlighting icon - MDL-38484
Automate MDLQA-4597 - A teacher can rename roles within a course - MDL-38483
Automate MDLQA-89 - A teacher can set a course full name, short name and summary - MDL-38482
Automate MDLQA-1756, maximum number of weeks/topics for course can be configured and not restricted to 52
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