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An admin can enable users to authenticate with their Facebook accountMDLQA-10982
A teacher can annotate a OneDrive doc submitted as a controlled linkMDLQA-10980
A teacher can annotate a Google doc submitted as a controlled linkMDLQA-10978
An admin can enable users to authenticate with their Google accountMDLQA-10976
A teacher can set completion tracking defaults and bulk edit activity completionMDLQA-10974
Google Drive can be used to convert documents to pdf for assignment submission annotationMDLQA-10972
Glossary entries can be taggedMDLQA-10970
Book chapters can be taggedMDLQA-10968
Forum posts can be taggedMDLQA-10966
A teacher can specify assignment submission file typesMDLQA-10963
A user can authenticate with a Microsoft office accountMDLQA-10962
CLONE - A PDO-compatible DB server may be used for external DB authentication and enrolmentMDLQA-10961
CLONE - A teacher can collapse and expand assignment submission annotation commentsMDLQA-10960
CLONE - Forum completion dates display correctly in the course overviewMDLQA-10959
CLONE - Activity overrides display correctly in the course overviewMDLQA-10958
CLONE - Choices with various 'Allow responses from/until' dates display correctly in the course overviewMDLQA-10957
CLONE - Published chat sessions display correctly in the course overviewMDLQA-10956
CLONE - Assignments with different due dates appear correctly in the course overviewMDLQA-10955
CLONE - A student can view their course progress from their dashboard course overviewMDLQA-10954
CLONE - An admin can set course restore defaults which may be lockedMDLQA-10953
CLONE - A lesson activity may be attempted offlineMDLQA-10952
CLONE - The Moodle Mobile app option 'Change site' may be changed to 'Log out'MDLQA-10951
CLONE - External links may be added to pages in the main menu of the Mobile appMDLQA-10950
CLONE - Mobile app language strings can be customisedMDLQA-10949
CLONE - An admin can specify the default download formats for Google drive filesMDLQA-10948
CLONE - A teacher can filter by 'Granted extension'MDLQA-10947
CLONE - Question type icons are visible when manually gradingMDLQA-10946
CLONE - A teacher can choose to show or hide activities or make them available but not shown on the course pageMDLQA-10945
CLONE - A teacher can override assignment deadlinesMDLQA-10944
CLONE - An admin can run individual scheduled tasks via the UIMDLQA-10942
CLONE - Media files may be dragged and dropped onto the course page to create labelsMDLQA-10941
CLONE - Smoke test on MobileMDLQA-10940
CLONE - A user can access WebDav repository without authenticationMDLQA-10939
CLONE - A user can access WebDav repository with basic authenticationMDLQA-10938
CLONE - Test smart App Banners for iOSMDLQA-10937
CLONE - With boost theme, right side blocks are not visible on small screenMDLQA-10936
CLONE - Password fields should not be auto-filled by password managersMDLQA-10935
CLONE - Import and Export user tourMDLQA-10934
CLONE - Create, Delete and Edit user toursMDLQA-10933
CLONE - Files added to folder resource are visible in recent activity blockMDLQA-10932
CLONE - Uploading file respects maximum file sizeMDLQA-10931
CLONE - Feedback activity with more than 60 questions workMDLQA-10930
CLONE - Statistics report can be generated for site.MDLQA-10929
CLONE - Report logs show site log informationMDLQA-10928
CLONE - Charts not used in moodle core works as expected.MDLQA-10927
CLONE - Export and Import competency frameworkMDLQA-10926
CLONE - Enable/Disable global search areasMDLQA-10925
CLONE - User is forced to complete required custom user profile fieldsMDLQA-10924
CLONE - Admin should be able to upload logo and compact logoMDLQA-10923
CLONE - A site administrator can install a plugin by source code
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