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- MDLQA-18441
Exploratory testing for multiple total grades in Quiz - MDLQA-18439
New section page and improvements to course formats exploratory testing - MDLQA-18438
Exploratory testing for course page visual improvements - MDLQA-18437
Exploratory testing for new activity icons design - MDLQA-18436
Exploratory testing for ordering question type - MDLQA-18432
Sharing to MoodleNet exploratory test - MDLQA-17932
Improved searching and filtering in the question bank - MDLQA-17931
New activity cards design exploratory testing - MDLQA-17930
Default site completion settings exploratory test - MDLQA-17927
Question bank usability improvements exploratory test - MDLQA-17384
Gradebook user experience improvements exploratory test - MDLQA-17383
Bulk course activity editing feature exploratory test - MDLQA-17374
Site, personal and course notes are reported by the Report Builder - MDLQA-16758
Smoke test on the new tertiary navigation for badges - MDLQA-16754
Database activity UI improvements exploratory testing - MDLQA-16749
Course participants page exploratory testing - MDLQA-16747
Approval status is displayed in database entries - MDLQA-16121
A teacher can navigate around the reports pages - MDLQA-16116
A teacher can navigate around the Gradebook setup, Scales, Grade letters and Grader report pages - MDLQA-16115
A teacher can navigate around the Enrolments, Groups and Permissions pages - MDLQA-16112
An admin can create a custom report of the site users - MDLQA-16106
A teacher can add a BBB “Room only” activity to the course that allows users to join - MDLQA-16098
A teacher can add a “Room/Activity with recordings” (default) to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting - MDLQA-16097
A teacher can override time limit for a user on an assignment - MDLQA-16096
A teacher can set a time limit for an assignment - MDLQA-16093
A teacher can notify students about new or updated course content - MDLQA-16085
An admin can download and import admin presets - MDLQA-16084
An admin can delete created admin presets - MDLQA-16083
An admin can restore an applied admin preset version - MDLQA-16082
An admin can create and apply a new admin preset - MDLQA-16081
An admin can use core default admin presets - MDLQA-16080
A teacher can edit H5P activity content inline - MDLQA-16079
A teacher can add and remove weeks - MDLQA-16078
A teacher can add and remove topics - MDLQA-16076
A user can navigate to sections and activities using the course index - MDLQA-16075
A user can collapse and expand sections and save the status - MDLQA-16074
A user can save course index and block drawer status - MDLQA-16072
As a teacher I can change the version of a question directly in the quiz - MDLQA-16071
A teacher can perform bulk actions with questions in a question bank - MDLQA-16070
A teacher can add comments to questions - MDLQA-16069
A teacher can access question usage data in the question bank - MDLQA-16067
As a teacher I can define the status of a question - MDLQA-16066
A teacher can edit questions and create new versions - MDLQA-16055
A teacher can choose to display activity dates on the course page - MDLQA-16054
A student can view activity dates on the course page and in an activity - MDLQA-16051
A teacher can view a course heatmap and block summary accessibility results for a course - MDLQA-16050
A student can view activity completion conditions and mark activities as done on the activity page - MDLQA-16049
A teacher can choose to display activity completion conditions on the course page - MDLQA-16044
A teacher can view updated accessibility results for a course - MDLQA-16042
When creating a new question, in the question field defaults that a teacher used previously are used
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