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2.2 Assignment Regression: A teacher can edit a rubric used previouslyMDLQA-1460
CLONE - A user can add files from WikimediaMDLQA-1458
CLONE - A user can add files from PicasaMDLQA-1456
CLONE - A user can add files from Google DocsMDLQA-1454
CLONE - A user can add YouTube videosMDLQA-1452
CLONE - A user has a private files areaMDLQA-1450
CLONE - A user with appropriate permissions can access files on the serverMDLQA-1448
CLONE - A user can quickly locate files uploaded previouslyMDLQA-1446
CLONE - An administrator can upload users to a cohortMDLQA-1444
CLONE - The cron can be manually run from a web browserMDLQA-1442
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a numerical question with required unitsMDLQA-1441
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a numerical question with optional unitsMDLQA-1440
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a numerical questionMDLQA-1439
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a multiple choice question with multiple answersMDLQA-1438
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a multiple choice questionMDLQA-1437
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a true-false questionMDLQA-1436
CLONE - A teacher can create, edit and preview a short-answer questionMDLQA-1428
CLONE - A teacher can edit a rubric used previouslyMDLQA-1426
CLONE - A teacher can import an IMS Common Cartridge packageMDLQA-1425
CLONE - An assignment can be graded using rubricMDLQA-1424
CLONE - A teacher can reuse their rubric in another activityMDLQA-1423
CLONE - Rubrics can be shared as templatesMDLQA-1422
CLONE - A teacher can create a rubric for grading an assignmentMDLQA-1419
CLONE - A student can send grades from an IMS LTI activity to the gradebookMDLQA-1418
CLONE - A teacher can add an IMS LTI activity to the courseMDLQA-1417
CLONE - A MyMobile theme is available for accessing Moodle on mobile devicesMDLQA-1416
CLONE - A text editor is available for formatting textMDLQA-1415
CLONE - An administrator can filter user accounts by role, cohort and other variablesMDLQA-1414
CLONE - An administrator can create a cohort and add users to itMDLQA-1413
CLONE - Blogs, database activities, forums and glossaries can produce RSS feedsMDLQA-1412
CLONE - An administrator can upload users to the siteMDLQA-1411
CLONE - An administrator can install additional language packsMDLQA-1410
CLONE - An administrator can enable course section links in the navigationMDLQA-1409
CLONE - Course short names may be displayed on the list of courses pageMDLQA-1408
CLONE - A teacher can display an activity description on the course pageMDLQA-1407
CLONE - An administrator can enable gravatars as user picturesMDLQA-1406
CLONE - A user can navigate the site via the navigation blockMDLQA-1405
CLONE - A teacher can set a quiz with certainty-based markingMDLQA-1404
CLONE - A teacher can set a quiz to be interactive with multiple triesMDLQA-1403
CLONE - A teacher can enable deferred or immediate feedback for a quizMDLQA-1402
CLONE - A manager can configure a block to display thoughout the siteMDLQA-1401
CLONE - Users can add comments to blog entriesMDLQA-1400
CLONE - The TinyMCE HTML editor enables media to be easily addedMDLQA-1399
CLONE - The TinyMCE HTML editor enables emoticons to be easily addedMDLQA-1398
CLONE - Users can add comments via a comments blockMDLQA-1397
CLONE - A teacher can create quiz essay questionsMDLQA-1396
CLONE - A teacher can access version-specific context-sensitive documentation via links on every pageMDLQA-1395
CLONE - A student can add images to a wikiMDLQA-1394
CLONE - An administrator can run unit tests for the siteMDLQA-1393
CLONE - A teacher can restore a 1.9 course backup
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