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- MDLQA-16748
Activity tags are deleted during course reset - MDLQA-16746
An administrator can manage lincences - MDLQA-16108
A teacher can add a BBB “Recordings only” instance - MDLQA-16105
A teacher can not import recordings from a different activity in the same course or from a different course unless the feature is enabled. - MDLQA-16104
A teacher can delete recordings from a BBB “Room with Recordings” instance - MDLQA-16089
An admin can change 'Recover grades' default setting - MDLQA-16088
A teacher can decide whether to recover grades from an unenrolled student - MDLQA-16073
As a teacher I can see if my questions (or specific versions) need revision - MDLQA-15572
CLONE - A teacher can set 'receive grade' as a completion condition for a SCORM activity - MDLQA-15571
CLONE - A teacher can set 'receive grade' as a completion condition for a lesson - MDLQA-15570
CLONE - A teacher can set 'receive grade' as a completion condition for a glossary - MDLQA-15569
CLONE - A teacher can set a certain number of replies as a completion condition for a forum - MDLQA-15568
CLONE - A teacher can set 'receive grade' as a completion condition for a forum - MDLQA-15567
CLONE - A teacher can set 'receive grade' as a completion condition for a database activity - MDLQA-15566
CLONE - A teacher can set 'receive grade' as a completion condition for an assignment - MDLQA-14806
As a teacher I want to edit H5P content I'm using and make a copy - MDLQA-14805
As a teacher I want to edit H5P content I'm using and create a shortcut - MDLQA-14795
A teacher can create new H5P content in the content bank - MDLQA-14773
A teacher can see the students attempts in the H5P activity - MDLQA-14760
A teacher can reset H5P activity grading - MDLQA-14758
A teacher can control H5P activity grading settings - MDLQA-14756
A student can see H5P activity completion status - MDLQA-14755
A teacher can control when an H5P activity is available for students - MDLQA-14754
A teacher can backup and restore an H5P activity - MDLQA-14753
A teacher can duplicate an H5P activity - MDLQA-14752
By default, a student should not be able to access the content bank repository - MDLQA-14751
By default, a non-editing teacher should not be able to access the content bank repository - MDLQA-14750
A teacher can re-use content bank files - MDLQA-14749
As an editing teacher I want to navigate through course contexts where he is enrolled in, parent categories of the enrolled courses and the system context - MDLQA-14748
A teacher can upload and edit H5P files in the content bank - MDLQA-14747
As an admin I want to re-use content bank files - MDLQA-14745
As an admin I want to navigate through the entire tree content bank repository and view every existing content bank file from each existing context - MDLQA-14735
As an admin you can run H5P scheduled task from H5P Overview settings page - MDLQA-14130
An admin can delete an H5P library - MDLQA-14129
An admin can search for activities on the Recommended activities page - MDLQA-14116
Only users with the required capability can deploy H5P content - MDLQA-14112
A teacher can upload H5P content using Atto - MDLQA-13514
A teacher can select a group for members to be listed as potential badge recipients on the award badge page - MDLQA-13502
Forum discussions may be ordered by last post date, created date or number of replies - MDLQA-13499
A teacher can reply privately to forum posts - MDLQA-13498
A student can star forum discussions - MDLQA-13495
A student can add files and record audio and video in a lesson essay question - MDLQA-13493
An admin can set whether users can view a list of courses they are not enrolled in - MDLQA-12910
A teacher can view hidden chapters in a book - MDLQA-12909
A teacher can use competencies as criteria for a badge - MDLQA-12907
An admin can specify custom fields to be displayed with the course description - MDLQA-12871
An administrator can freeze categories, courses, activities and their content - MDLQA-12869
A student can star messages or delete them - MDLQA-12271
A user can request for their personal data to be deleted - MDLQA-12264
A user can request a copy of their data
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