Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Retain course page position when pressing back button from activity/resourceMDL-75611
MIME-Type icons incompatible with new boost designMDL-54704
SSL-support for connection to Postgres and MySQL DatabaseMDL-68158
MUA Proposal: Default Settings for Completion Criteria for Activities and ResourcesMDL-48762
Restrict access to course based on start and end dateMDL-40084
Export related files in database activity exportMDL-71212
Add course kebab menu with 'Collapse all' and 'Expand all' options to course indexMDL-69489
Enable Admins to restrict LTI Tools to specifc CategoriesMDL-53368
Captcha available on login pageMDL-73325
Enable support for tagging badgesMDL-45452
Completion report: Date format for "Excel-compatible format" CSV export updated to use excel compatible formatMDL-76136
Messaging Phase 1.1 - Integrate chat services with Moodle LMSMDL-49827
Expose $CFG->noemailever in UI when set in config.phpMDL-77863
Convert hardcoded colors to use variables to make theme customisation easierMDL-78474
Enable users to personalise the name for the resource "Text and media area"MDL-76405
Prepare Moodle for PHP 8.2MDL-46279
Refactor SCORM database schema to improve performanceMDL-78195
Redesign of 4.0 Activity cardsMDL-62401
Embed Youtube Videos with nocookie extensionMDL-75404
Refactor check for new window target to detect a "new window" lang stringMDL-75802
A (teacher) user should not be able to unenrol themself via bulk unenrolmentMDL-74954
Hooks as replacement for some one-to-many lib.php callbacks based on PSR-14MDL-67186
Add custom fields to groups and groupingsMDL-76629
Add sticky student name column in Quiz results tableMDL-43195
New Creative Commons Licenses version 4MDL-74054
Give teachers more flexibility to customise their own view of the question bankMDL-76203
Add support for BDI tag in HTML PurifierMDL-61165
Remove support for Legacy cronMDL-67390
Update password hashing to SHA-512MDL-72622
Support TLS connections for RedisMDL-74679
Allow students to send Q&A forum post notifications with no editing-time delayMDL-74869
Activity icon colors should be SCSS variables so they are easy to override.MDL-77793
Remove the legacy theme selectorMDL-78528
Redesign the Default activity completion pageMDL-72321
Better searching/filtering in the question bank, so more flexible randomisation in quizzesMDL-76656
Web service tokens should be read-onceMDL-50160
HTTP only cookies (cookiehttponly) default set to on and UI setting removedMDL-63759
Replace geoip lookup with openstreetmapMDL-76982
Add floating previous/next buttons to navigate book chaptersMDL-77127
Allow students to hide the timer in a timed quizMDL-77218
Quiz\question preview: explanatory text that preview settings only affect the previewMDL-77443
Event Monitor: Course and activity name variables for event monitoring rulesMDL-77564
Quiz display options: make it possible to completely hide the grade informationMDL-77627
Quiz and Question bank in Moodle 4.3MDL-78283
Add radio dropdown interaction to groupmode icon to the new activity card designMDL-78509
Add Multi-factor authentication (MFA) pluginMDL-79548
String problems with MoodleNetMDL-78517
Homogenize the course completion conditionsMDL-73839
Allow using cohort enrollment when uploading course via csvMDL-76338
Enable content to be copied content bank
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