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add direct link to individual response in e-mail message - CONTRIB-893
missing get_string in index.php file for displaying questionnaire type - CONTRIB-884
Incorrect detection of number of ticked boxes in Checked boxes question type - CONTRIB-640
SMTP debug info printed when error level set to normal or above - CONTRIB-639
Anonymous responses displaying names - CONTRIB-306
alert about wrong format even for not required answers - CONTRIB-301
Required field asterisk not using req.gif - CONTRIB-226
Moodle Tracker Module redraw - CONTRIB-223
View Responses does not display radio and checkbox results - CONTRIB-222
CLONE -missing check of mandatory question - CONTRIB-215
checked="1" not allowed - CONTRIB-210
missing check of mandatory question - CONTRIB-197
Reengeneering of the Scheduler module - CONTRIB-187
In questions edit mode, adding another answer line removes question name - CONTRIB-179
Survey does not exist ERROR - CONTRIB-84
GBPv2: Error trying to get property of non-object error around line 314 in /grade/lib.php - CONTRIB-65
notice and sql errors in questionnaire module - CONTRIB-31
Bad layout for self-certification module
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