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ILP Module UpdateCONTRIB-2317
ILP - jumpto on status change doesn't work when email alerts are setCONTRIB-2200
Rate question :: restrict number of scale items in "no duplicate choices" question typeCONTRIB-1925
Wrong output format for "label" question typeCONTRIB-1920
Faulty instructions in a questionnaire help fileCONTRIB-1796
New AUTH module to enable single sign-on into Roundcube webmail from MoodleCONTRIB-1772
Translate into GermanCONTRIB-1737
When creating a response report in Questionaire module, responses are missing for some questions.CONTRIB-1704
Update README.TXT fileCONTRIB-1631
N/A ratings are lost if all rows of question are incompleteCONTRIB-1587
typo in cssCONTRIB-1533
Scheduler description page not allowed in update for the maintainerCONTRIB-1499
Utilitse spare status reportsCONTRIB-1482
Undefined property warning on $questionsbysecCONTRIB-1466
cron method does not add new grouping members to existing dialoguesCONTRIB-1465
email notification includes html break tag in text/plain versionCONTRIB-1414
New Brazillian Portuguese Language PackCONTRIB-1413
Exporting questionnaire to CSV format, some HTML tags appearCONTRIB-1381
OU wiki: Improve user interface for adding pages, sectionsCONTRIB-1363
State of Topics are forgotten when the page reloadsCONTRIB-1347
Missing index on response_id questionnaire_resp_multipleCONTRIB-1338
download as text (cvs) format not working under certain conditionsCONTRIB-1302
Needs scale_used and scale_used_anywhere API functions missing.CONTRIB-1301
Needs scale_used and scale_used_anywhere API functions missing.CONTRIB-1290
Add course level default settingsCONTRIB-1254
Add mrbs bookings to moodle logsCONTRIB-1185
Doesn't work, displays 'Section Error'CONTRIB-1180
Reporting ToolsCONTRIB-1179
Selecting initials, page #, or next in Student Info screen links to Learning Plan instead of students.CONTRIB-1176
Undefined function get_my_ilp_courses in ILPTarget module.CONTRIB-1166
Date set not always timecreatedCONTRIB-1163
Remote targets/reviews via networked sitesCONTRIB-1161
Bulk import of mentees for pastoral tutorsCONTRIB-1159
Improve NavigationCONTRIB-1146
SCORM scores not being calculated properlyCONTRIB-1139
oublog undefined variable during installCONTRIB-1128
Choice multi-language filtering does not workCONTRIB-1113
Push Questionnaire opendate and closedate to upcoming events and calendarCONTRIB-1109
Questionnaire formatting in IECONTRIB-1101
show embedded flash etc. in label question typeCONTRIB-1098
Problem with non-ascii characters in Questionnaire nameCONTRIB-1084
course rating data not deleted when course is deletedCONTRIB-1071
theme header wrong for guest login CTA pageCONTRIB-1043
rate questions numbering possible answers causes display bugCONTRIB-1022
No courses show in mod/cordCONTRIB-1019
provide graceful restore for questionnaires saved in 1.8 and restored in 1.9 or 2.0CONTRIB-1018
Problem with unchecked boxes saved as choice_id = 0CONTRIB-1015
Course ordering and invoicing: allow bulk approval of pending ordersCONTRIB-1014
group name isn't exported when questionnaire Respondent type is set to Anonymous.CONTRIB-998
OU blog: loads of things are still wrong
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