Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Add SkippedException to set customer number and secret steps.CONTRIB-6049
Unit test mhutil_test fatal error.CONTRIB-6048
MH logger adjustment.CONTRIB-6011
Release 2.8.10 2014111010CONTRIB-6006
Make TOKEN_VALIDITY_INTERVAL const in block_mhaairs_util unique.CONTRIB-6004
Sending score to an existing mhaairs assignment without item details creates new assignment with the title "Grade"CONTRIB-5963
Add user email, moodle version and plugin version to SSO request.CONTRIB-5902
Add a web service for retrieving Moodle environment details.CONTRIB-5897
Add capability restrictions to the mhaairs grade_update service.CONTRIB-5885
Adjust defaults in test client forms.CONTRIB-5882
Add unit test case to validate mhaairs item format on create/update.CONTRIB-5878
Add a unit test case to ensure that mhaairs grade items are restored.CONTRIB-5877
Adjust gradebook unit test cases to use manual/mhaairs grade items.CONTRIB-5876
Abstract block mhaairs php unit advanced test class.CONTRIB-5874
Allow pairing MHC assignments with existing grade items ("use existing").CONTRIB-5863
Mhaairs grade items are not restored on course restore from backup.CONTRIB-5861
The mhaairs block can be added in the dashboard (my moodle) page.CONTRIB-5860
Basic support for acceptance testing.CONTRIB-5853
Grade sync failure when userid (username) param contains a hyphen.CONTRIB-5846
Add user's email address and Moodle/plugin version info to the SSO requestCONTRIB-5706
Recent Activity Report Error (DML Read Exception)CONTRIB-5542
Add the wsfunction paramter to the url display in the test client.CONTRIB-5541
Category duplicated on grade item update.CONTRIB-5506
Notice: Undefined index: AdminHelpUrl in block_mhaairs.php on line 258CONTRIB-5505
Add webservice get_grade which checks if a spcified grade (or item) exists.CONTRIB-5504
Get user info test adjustments.CONTRIB-5503
Add test-case fixtures to the gradebookservice tests.CONTRIB-5502
Backwards compatibility: testing_block_generator class does not exist pre-2.5.CONTRIB-5499
Unit testsCONTRIB-5494
Add administration links to gradelogs and testclient.CONTRIB-5492
Debugging message: add_to_log() has been deprecated, please rewrite your code to the new events APICONTRIB-5491
Test client relocation under blocks/mhaairs/adminCONTRIB-5490
Test client adjustmentsCONTRIB-5469
Port logging feature from MR latest version (4.13 (2014070901))CONTRIB-5431
Block: Mhaairs
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