Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Scheduler Overview - URL Filter not workingCONTRIB-6023
Scheduler email notifications - add hyperlink to schedulerCONTRIB-5981
Submenu for Tabs only works correctly with Bootstrap based themesCONTRIB-5975
Scheduler allows multiple bookings via multiple browser tabsCONTRIB-5910
Control grade visibilityCONTRIB-5881
Renaming of items not allowing spacebar.CONTRIB-5843
Courses Using Grid Format Do not Restore in Moodle 2.9CONTRIB-5835
Time field search criteria is-empty and not-empty return all entries.CONTRIB-5834
Picture field settings missing from the configuration form.CONTRIB-5832
Users cannot enter more than one ranking in a ratingmdl field.CONTRIB-5827
Select field search criterion which searches for a value that is not in the field options returns all entries instead of none.CONTRIB-5822
Search value of select field is case-sensitive and as such inconsistent with the search value of a text field which is not.CONTRIB-5817
Eyeball icon misaligned when editing Collapsed Topics courseCONTRIB-5812
Import and Export settings of a CSV view show as set when unset.CONTRIB-5811
Add view setting to specify which entries are displayed after submission.CONTRIB-5810
The [[<fieldname>:addnew]] pattern in a select field does not allow the user to add a new option while adding an entryCONTRIB-5809
Allow applying filters on a view with forced filter.CONTRIB-5799
Remove RISK_XSS from capabilities which do not pose such a risk.CONTRIB-5733
Content files do not observe overrides of separate group/individualized mode.CONTRIB-5573
SQL error (PostgreSQL) when using attempting to use a simple sorting filter in the view entries screen.CONTRIB-5314
Importing course with Grid format, grid images missing
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