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Fix s() hex entity handling, and improve performanceMDL-39099
Course format protected function cannot be overridden because of private call.MDL-38474
Teachers cannot access Server files (No permission to access)MDL-38456
Available update plugin deployment fails under WindowsMDL-38386
Change upgrade step for 24 and master for MDL-38173MDL-38365
Make the box.net configuration instructions clearerMDL-38356
Frozen forms cause javascript error: currentform is nullMDL-38337
New quizzes ignore maximum grade settingMDL-38332
Site admin - Browse users does not paginate properly for multiples of 30 usersMDL-38322
POLICY: Use /local as the place for "generic plugins"MDL-38303
MUC: Session cache is not changed when user logs in or outMDL-38268
download_file_content fails under certain conditionsMDL-38262
Undefined property: stdClass::$ldap_version in HEAD/auth/ldap/auth.php on line 1739MDL-37771
Edit Quiz: background color sometimes hides the text as the text color is similarMDL-35615
"Use default section name" checkbox and "Section name" fields should be inlineMDL-34774
Incorrect lesson statitics when there is only one attempt with score of 0MDL-34724
On the Messaging settings the label of the checkboxes at the bottom is not in a <label>MDL-34713
Undefined index in block blog menuMDL-34011
Incorrect display of student attempt for Short Answer questions in LessonsMDL-33424
Images missing when restoring a course (V1.9) or a course / quiz (V2)MDL-30166
Deprecated %fullname% uses still present in coreMDL-17470
Improve language in Course Defaults page
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