Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- MDL-61672
Abstract static methods used in core_privacy\local\sitepolicy\handler - MDL-61626
Postgres versions released March 1st 2018 break some tests - MDL-61625
Add missing $ajaxformdata to persistent form - MDL-61622
New Web Service for checking if age digital consent verification is enabled - MDL-61620
action_menu UI component extension - MDL-61600
Support reCaptcha v2 in the mobile app - MDL-61579
Implement all actions for the site_policy_handler callback - MDL-61571
Implement core_privacy for atto subplugins - MDL-61570
Implement core_privacy for an tool_usertours - MDL-61567
Implement core_privacy for null providing activities - MDL-61566
Implement core_privacy for core themes - MDL-61533
Import fixed English strings (en_fix) into the main English pack for 3.4.2 - MDL-61513
Undefined $buttons variable in admin/category.php when viewing admin pages as non-admin user - MDL-61498
In Boost Theme: End of lesson links are displaying without spaces between them, if "link to next activity" was selected in settings. - MDL-61497
Have OneDrive repository use post 2015 icon - MDL-61485
Add a callback 'pre_signup_requests' executed in the beginning of login/signup.php - MDL-61480
Uninstalling tool_usertours breaks Moodle - MDL-61477
Allow plugins to overwrite $CFG->sitepolicy and $CFG->sitepolicyguest - MDL-61475
Implement providers for mod_choice - MDL-61462
"Back to the list of all roles" link in Assign system roles page doesn't work - MDL-61455
Active pagination page floats above the participants filter suggestions list plus autocomplete element returning the promise - MDL-61453
Invalid accepted file types reported at the upload user pictures page - MDL-61425
Make label width full in "Add from question bank" dialogue in Boost (to match Clean) - MDL-61423
Update the signup process - add age and location verification - MDL-61421
Task cohort_role_sync development error when the same user is into two cohorts - MDL-61413
mod_lti error on restore under oracle database - MDL-61408
Missing button style for "Check" button on quiz - MDL-61398
Implement providers for block_html - MDL-61397
Implement providers for non-data blocks - MDL-61379
mod_lti unit tests fail when TEST_EXTERNAL_FILES_HTTPS_URL is defined - MDL-61377
Using progress_bar in an upgrade script displays debugging notice in CLI - MDL-61375
chat_prepare_update_events is broken - MDL-61366
MDL-57103 tries to use $PAGE before it has been initialised - MDL-61344
assignment "additional files" are not shown in Edit Submission view - MDL-61341
scss fixes for math on incompatible units and string concatenation - MDL-61324
Unchanged grades repeatedly sent in LTI grade sync - MDL-61322
Logs Time column does not show 'year' - MDL-61313
"View courses and upcoming activities on timeline view" feature failure under some circumstances - MDL-61307
Create new 'privacy' subsystem - MDL-61305
Performance: Modinfo cache can get built in parallel - MDL-61302
Add the workflow for allowing users to agree to the policies - MDL-61297
A new popup for showing the policy links to guests - MDL-61289
Choice activity export does not pull data from user profile fields - MDL-61269
Incorrect defaults/capabilities prevent hub to find matching nodes - MDL-61268
Regression: Removal of class object versus serialized block->configdata of type object - MDL-61261
Stored self-XSS in /badges/mybackpack.php - MDL-61260
Error updating remote attributes on a LDAP server - MDL-61253
Folder activity problem with alias from repositories - MDL-61251
Explanatory text for "Enable RSS feeds" in module settings is wrong - MDL-61250
Upon question editing, "Preview" link after the magnifying glass icon has a leading space
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