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Export - CSV (Current fields)
- MDL-62755
Assignment cutoffdate and allowsubmissionfromdate are not exported - MDL-62614
Privacy: Core tag provider delete_item_tags function not work - MDL-62588
enrol_paypal error when calling enrol_paypal\privacy\provider::get_contexts_for_userid - MDL-62574
Deleting user data from block_html with the Privacy API crashes (at least with the Privacy API test utility) - MDL-62543
New 'deleted' field for forum posts is used in the wrong way for rss feeds - MDL-62516
Request to delete forum data for a user will delete files of all users - MDL-62500
Regular behat fail in core_tag - MDL-62474
Fix Boost privacy provider - MDL-62449
SCORM privacy provider should export also information such as name or intro - MDL-62408
Behat tests never use profile_guided_allocate - MDL-61893
Time to bump Node.js "Carbon" version again - MDL-61702
Can't install Moodle version > 3.1 with mariaDB version >= 10.3.1 - MDL-59596
Unit test failure with MariaDB/MySQL8 - MDL-59098
Compatibility with MySQL 8.0.x
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