- [MDL-3048] - Release note should note not to use some PHP versions
- [MDL-3805] - mod.html in NEWMODULE.zip is not XHTML1.0 Transitional compliant
- [MDL-3852] - Some log actions aren't restored
- [MDL-5378] - shorten_text doesn't work for oriental languages
- [MDL-5601] - cloze question restore error problem
- [MDL-5884] - Turn Student View On
- [MDL-5893] - Blackboard export/backup course does not restore to Moodle correctly
- [MDL-5999] - In standardlogo theme headermenu is a -div- tag, but in menu variable there are -td- tag
- [MDL-6084] - Restore to new course failure notice if logged in as course creator
- [MDL-6107] - True/False imported from Blackboard all True
- [MDL-6193] - problem with login/index.php file
- [MDL-6205] - slashes not stripped when re-editing profile
- [MDL-6247] - Error checking for missing themes
- [MDL-6271] - breadcrumb problem
- [MDL-6272] - DB Enrolment not recording enrolment end date
- [MDL-6334] - Unnecessary group menu in Feedback popup window
- [MDL-6336] - After utf8-migration unserializing of old essay fails
- [MDL-6341] - "Student view" locks out designers/administrators from courses not available to students
- [MDL-6342] - cannot move forum post to other forum when the subject includes an apostrophe
- [MDL-6375] - Uploaded assignments are not available from the student submission page once graded
- [MDL-6444] - Typo in Course/Report/Participation/index.php
- [MDL-6480] - Import of multichoice questions in Moodle XML format doesn't use shuffle option. Fix included
- [MDL-6517] - Adding or editing post produces "ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "Object id #XXX"
- [MDL-6518] - How to make new themes link no longer required
- [MDL-6521] - Single discussion forums can be splitted and it hasn't too much sense....
- [MDL-6537] - past students receive email from forum
- [MDL-6615] - Highlighting search terms in forum search text posts fails
- [MDL-6632] - scorm_grade_user function in locallib.php file has errors
- [MDL-6649] - HTML Editor in essay question unreliable
- [MDL-6686] - Streamed Chat Locks Send Message Field
- [MDL-6722] - course creators can not restore courses
- [MDL-6750] - change_password.php produces JS error.
- [MDL-6754] - moodle.php in de_utf8 langpack has wrong locale
- [MDL-6757] - Insert a Chinese charachter string to label resource result error.
- [MDL-6770] - Student cannot see handed-in assignment
- [MDL-6791] - Streamed Chat JS bug Prevents Use
- [MDL-6824] - redundant style declaration in theme
- [MDL-6837] - Make a language file entry for the wording of popup blocker checker
- [MDL-6841] - Student View button fails when course is hidden to students
- [MDL-6842] - Resource frameset error in IE6
- [MDL-6866] - A required parameter (backup_unique_code) was missing" error
- [MDL-6876] - Grades computed incorrectly if assignment name appears more than twice in a course
New Feature
- [MDL-5653] - add blacklisted level into environment XML
- [MDL-6280] - Backup files should not be included in new backups
- [MDL-6572] - Allow students to access their uploaded documents after grading.
- [MDL-6662] - why footer with margin-top: 100px
- [MDL-6878] - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files in Moodle are not correctly displayed in many Browsers
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