Setup and initial enrolments 1) Login as admin to your site 2) Open Site admin => Plugins => Enrolments => IMS Enterprise file 3) Ensure appropriate values have been set for: - Basic settings => File location - Basic settings => Log file output location - User data options => Create user accounts for users not yet registered in Moodle (Set this to true/ticked) - Roles => Learner = Student - Roles => Instructor = Teacher - Roles => Member = Student - Course data options => Create new (hidden) courses if not found in Moodle (set to true/ticked) - Course data options => Allow the IMS data to unenrol students/teachers (set to true/ticked) Save Changes 4) Create IMS enterprise data file (in the location specified by settings) with contents: USX 28/Aug/2019 USX UID000001 UID000001 IMS User01 User01 IMS USX UID000002 UID000002 IMS User02 User02 IMS USX UID000003 UID000003 IMS User03 User03 IMS USX UID000004 UID000004 IMS User04 User04 IMS USX UID000005 UID000005 IMS User05 User05 IMS USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE IMS Enrol course IMS studies USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE USX UID000001 1 USX UID000002 1 USX UID000003 1 USX UID000004 1 USX UID000005 1 5) Click the link "perform an IMS Enterprise import right now" at the foot of the IMS settings page to trigger processing of the file. 6) Review roles and enrolments for the newly cerated users to confirm that User01 is an instructor, and User02, User03, User04, User05 are students. Un-enrol (Delete enrolment & roles) =================================== 1) Open Site admin => Plugins => Enrolments => IMS Enterprise file and set "Unenrol action" to "Delete enrolment & roles" 2) Create IMS enterprise data file (in the location specified by settings) with contents: USX 28/Aug/2019 USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE USX UID000001 0 3) Click the link "perform an IMS Enterprise import right now" at the foot of the IMS settings page to trigger processing of the file. 4) Review roles and enrolments to confirm that no enrolment and roles appear for user, IMS User01. No action (leave roles and enrolments unchanged) ================================================ 1) Open Site admin => Plugins => Enrolments => IMS Enterprise file and set "Unenrol action" to "No Action" 2) Create IMS enterprise data file (in the location specified by settings) with contents: USX 28/Aug/2019 USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE USX UID000002 0 3) Click the link "perform an IMS Enterprise import right now" at the foot of the IMS settings page to trigger processing of the file. 4) Review roles and enrolments to confirm that no chnages were made to roles or enrolment for IMS User02. Un-enrol (Suspend enrolment only) =================================== 1) Open Site admin => Plugins => Enrolments => IMS Enterprise file and set "Unenrol action" to "Suspend enrolment only" 2) Create IMS enterprise data file (in the location specified by settings) with contents: USX 28/Aug/2019 USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE USX UID000003 0 3) Click the link "perform an IMS Enterprise import right now" at the foot of the IMS settings page to trigger processing of the file. 4) Review roles and enrolments to confirm that the enrolment for user, IMS User03, is suspended but that their role however still exists. Un-enrol (Suspend enrolment & remove roles) =========================================== 1) Open Site admin => Plugins => Enrolments => IMS Enterprise file and set "Unenrol action" to "Suspend enrolment & remove roles" 2) Create IMS enterprise data file (in the location specified by settings) with contents: USX 28/Aug/2019 USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE USX UID000004 0 3) Click the link "perform an IMS Enterprise import right now" at the foot of the IMS settings page to trigger processing of the file. 4) Review roles and enrolments to confirm that the enrolment for user, IMS User04, is suspended and that their role has also been removed. Un-enrol (Delete enrolment & roles) when recstatus and status clash =================================================================== 1) Open Site admin => Plugins => Enrolments => IMS Enterprise file and set "Unenrol action" to "Delete enrolment & roles" 2) Create IMS enterprise data file (in the location specified by settings) with contents: USX 28/Aug/2019 USX USX_IMS_ENROL_COURSE USX UID000005 1 3) Click the link "perform an IMS Enterprise import right now" at the foot of the IMS settings page to trigger processing of the file. 4) Review roles and enrolments to confirm that no enrolment and roles appear for user, IMS User05.