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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-55254

Add "mod/data:view" permission to Database Activity


    • MDL-55254_m32v3
    • Easy
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      Manual testing:
      This requires a course with at least 2 student users.

      1. Testing the data:view capability:
        1. Create a Database activity
        2. Override the permissions on the database activity so the data:view permission is prohibited for student2
        3. Have student1 view the database activity
        4. Verify the database activity does not appear to student 2

      Automated testing:

      1. Run behat for mod_data
      2. Run phpunit for mod_data
      Manual testing: This requires a course with at least 2 student users. Testing the data:view capability: Create a Database activity Override the permissions on the database activity so the data:view permission is prohibited for student2 Have student1 view the database activity Verify the database activity does not appear to student 2 Automated testing: Run behat for mod_data Run phpunit for mod_data

      The Page resource as the following permission:

      This prohibits users who don't have this permission from seeing the Page.

      It would be great if this permission could be added to the Database activity.

            sbourget Stephen Bourget
            sbourget Stephen Bourget
            Adrian Greeve Adrian Greeve
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Ryan Wyllie Ryan Wyllie
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue


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